Haunted Houses & Hidden Stars

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I never liked flying. I know, being an successful author I've had to travel all over the world for signings, book tours and interviews, and productions of the films, so I've had to take a lot of planes everywhere I go. It's not just the anxiety filled being up in the air part, it's the whole process of practically stripping down naked in the security line and the extreme prices of everything in the airport that makes the experience less than pleasant for me. I've always preferred a long drive, a road trip, a limo, bus, ANYTHING other than flying. But right now, right in this moment, I rather be in a fucking plane crash than to listen to this uber driver say another word. Now, I previously said I've been known to be dramatic, but no form of exaggeration is needed to precisely describe this putrid individual. The first thing he said:

"Damn, someone got you good with that left hook, that make up you used to cover up that bruise did not work at all." Mind you, I'm not wearing one speck of makeup. Extremely ignorant and stupid, but this comment isn't even what sent me over the edge.

"Why the long face, sweetheart? Your boyfriend ain't dicking you down good enough?" This one didn't completely anger me either. Sadly, I've been accustomed to men saying disgustingly sexist and heinous things to me. And I don't answer, I just keep a straight face and stare out the window as the rain starts to pick up, watching the droplets roll down the car window.

After I left the last location, I took some time to recover and accept the new information, realizing that if I wanted Camila, it would come with some baggage. I stayed at Ally's house for a couple days, (like I said, there's only so much that I can take of my mom), and cleared my head. I even considered quitting the whole ordeal, but Ally encouraged me to continue with these words:

"Even if she turns out to be a deranged murderer, I'm sure the sex will be good. Crazy people are the best in bed." I smile, silently thanking Ally for her encouragement, and then I frown as the taxi driver interrupts my train of thought, saying something that makes steam rise from my ears.

"Ugh, I hate this song." I watch in slow motion as he turns down the volume on Lust For Life by the goddess Lana Del Rey and my baby daddy The Weeknd. HOW DARE HE?

"Stop the car." I growl from the backseat, and he glances back at me through the rear view mirror with a raised eyebrow.


"Stop. The fucking. Car."

"Are you on your period or somethi—"

"IF YOU DON'T STOP THIS FUCKING CAR I WILL PLAY DOUBLE DUTCH WITH YOUR INTESTINES AND CUT OFF YOUR DICK AND FEED IT TO YOU!" I exclaim, and he pulls to a street corner near a bus stop, swerving through traffic.

"Crazy bitch." He mumbles as I get out the car and flip him off, pulling off quickly.

"Crazy people are the best in bed, bitch!" I scream after him, and I turn to see everyone at the bus stop staring at me. I ignore them, sighing as the clouds thunder above and pours heavy, already soaking me and I've only been in it for ten seconds. I like the rain...from inside my house, but I can appreciate the beauty of it up close. But what I do not appreciate is the bus speeding up on the curb to brake harshly in front of the stop, splashing me with dirty rain water.

I sigh and get on the bus, not really sure which next stop would be the closest to the next location. I pull out my phone to find the address and map, thanking God that it's not fucked up from all the rain water. It takes longer than an Uber would have, but soon I'm walking through a small suburban neighborhood, the houses glaring at me as I walk up the sidewalk, following my GPS to the final destination. I reach it after about fifteen minutes of walking, pausing on the walkway of the house, taking in the scene before me.

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