Now the the guardians has chosen the protectors of the academy. They will now defend the academy from the gargoyles.
"We have to hurry, or else the academy is gonna get wrecked," Koru said,
"Right, but what are we gonna do?," Krulcifer asked,
"The plan is, the four elemental dragons will distract the gargoyles that will give me and Koru a time to hide the two Avatar's Orb," Kirasaka answered.
While Tadashi and the other three are distracting and fighting with the gargoyles, Koru and Kirasaka are running towards their hidden lair. Thats the only area they can think of, before they hid the two orbs they first tried to attack the two test dummies, they were suprised to what happened, the two dummies got broken to pieces and turn to xp ( experience ), the xp is used for them to level up their stats, the first level is the common drag, second is the war drag, third is the spiritual drag, fourth is the elemental drag, fifth is the legendary drag and the last is the guardian drag. The xp they got is only a small bit, that's why they didn't leveled up.
"So Kirasaka, what do we do now?," Koru asked,
"I also dont know what to do, but we have to hide the two Avatar's Orb," Kirasaka answered,
"Well then, what are we waiting for?," Koru replied,
"Umm, nothing, i guess?," Kirasaka awkwardly answered.
Koru and Kirasaka went down deeper in their secret lair to get the two hidden orbs.
Koru Aand Kirasaka were running towards the four elemental dragon statue. When they entered the statue, they gently placed the two orbs at the two orb case. When they we're done they went out of the statue and closed the gates of the building.
They ran back towards to the others to help but they we're surprised for they saw..., they two saw that their four friends actually got caught by the gargoyles. They ran to a structure to make plan to how to rescue their friends.
An hour has pass and they are now ready to move and follow their plan. Koru activated his
"Holy Drag-Ride," while Kirasaka activated her "Demonic Drag-Ride," now they both are using the guardianic drag-rides.They both hurry and killed the two gargoyles that are guarding the cage where their friends were trapped in. They got a successful plan of rescuing their friends, now they six need to plan how to kill the gargoyle lord. Meanwhile while they were planning a strategy to defeat the gargoyled, the gargoyles foundout where we're they are hiding. They got surrounded by gargoyles, the gargoyles start getting closer to them. When the gargoyles got closer, the gargoyles started to attack them...
"By the way, did all of you remembered that some calls me an angel some calls me a demon. Im actually a holy drag-ride, so it means I'm an angel," Koru outrageously told everybody while smiling.
"Mmm, noone cares Koru," Kirasaka replied.
Koru walked away from Kirasaka and went to Kojou.
"So Koru how was her reply to you ?,"
Kojou asked,"Mmm, well its, its, I'm actually speechless," Koru answered.
They went back and tried to stop the gargoyles. They first destroyed the two portals that leads to the world of gargoyles. They actually defeated the gargoyle lord successfully. Cause the whole academy got wrecked, the headmaster suspended classes for a whole month.
"Sup guys, long time no see," Koru excitedly shouted,
"Were fine bruh, how about ya?,"
Kojou and the others replied,"Im also fine, well there's a lot of changes here?" Koru replied,
"Oh yeah, there are like the seeking towers. Those were just two towers and now there are a tower for each corner," Angel observed.
While the academy was getting repaired, Koru keeps on coming at the academy while the other students are staying at their houses. Koru was actually inspecting the repair and upgrades to the academy. Koru wasthinking that the builders are suspicious cause they look like half a gargoyle and half a dragon. He was watching every single move of each builder. But how could he do that ? He actually uses a technique called "Physicic Sight", this is a technique where he needs to close his eye and do a two hand signs. After doing that he could see everyone he wants to see even out of the country.
The students were surprised when they heard that there was a new head and it is a female so its now a headmistress. The headmistress' has actually has the same age of Koru and the others. They haven't met her yet but they are sure that they will be a friend of the headmistress.
But there's someone who doesn't care about the headmistress and it was Koru.