July 15-Familia (Meeting Gabes Family)

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Btw guys this one shot is alternate (separate from) to Olaball because the plots contradict to much

Today Gabe was ordered to protect Elena as she made a journey in town to open up the new school building. As always the crowd cheered when Elena spoke, everyone loved her she had that effect on people some more than others. She announced that the school would be open for all the children of Avalor.

"Great Job as always, Princess." Gabe said with a smile.

"Thanks Gabe! I love visiting Avalor to make up for what I missed when I was trapped in the amulet."

"Well everyone in Avalor loves you." Gabe said.

"Awe, thanks! I know that my parents would have wanted me to do everything I can for Avalor. Since they didn't have the opportunity."

"Well I'm sure they are proud of you."

"Thanks Gabe but what about your family?"

"Well my mama is the nicest woman I know but my father he's always disappointed in me."

"Oh I'm sorry but how could anyone be disappointed you? Your so brave and kind....Anyway do you have any siblings?"

"Ya, I have 2 older brothers, an older sister, a younger sister, and 2 younger brothers."

"Wow, that's a big family and your in the middle."

"Yeah they're annoying at times but I miss them."

"Gabe, I know what we are going to do today! We are going to visit your family!"

"What?! Elena you don't have to."

"Oh come on Gabe I want to!"

"Fine, lets go."

Gabe and Elena road the coach through the village for a while until arriving at a small bakery in the village. Gabe helped Elena down from the coach as the walked to the door and knocked.

"Gabriel!" Gabe's mother exclaimed, "I've missed you mi hijo! Come in!"

"Me too mama! Oh and this is El-"

"Oh and you must be Gabe's girlfriend!" His mother exclaimed causing both Elena and Gabe to blush.

"Actually mom this is Princess Elena."

"Oh my apologies!"

" Its okay mama I don't mind!" Gabe said.

"Well Gabe your father had taken your younger siblings out and your sister is at work but your brothers are upstairs."

"Ok Elena, I guess we can go back to the castle now."

"But, Gabe shouldn't we say hi to your brothers?"

"Yeah Gabe just go say hi."


Gabe and Elena walked upstairs to see Gabe's two older brothers sitting on the couch. After, seeing Elena with Gabe they both jumped up.

"Hola I'm Gabe's brother Nicólas!"

"I'm Julián, and I was thinking we could go out for dinner sometime." Julián said. Gabe looked like he was about ready to punch Julián.

"Umm...." Elena stuttered.

"I know, I create feelings in others they themselves don't understand." Julián responded.

"Shut up Julián! It's obvious her and Gabe are dating!" Nicólas commented. Elena and Gabe blushed again.

"Oh please like Gabe could get a girlfriend at all let alone the crown princess."

"Julián." Nicólas glared.

"Actually, Gabe and I are dating!" Elena exclaimed.

"You are?!"
"We are?!"

"Yep! Come on Gabe lets go!" Elena responded.

"Bye mama!" "Bye Mrs. Nuñez!" Gabe and Elena said.

"Bye Gabriel, bye Elena hope to see you soon!"

Elena and Gabe walked outside.

"Hey Gabe, I'm sorry I said we were dating but if I'm being completely honest I really do like you."

"Elena, siempre me ha gustado!" (Elena, I have always liked you.)

"Well than Gabe would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Of course, mi amor!"

Hey guys so here's my oneshot! I had so much fun reading everyone's fanfics so far! Let me know what you think of my oneshot! Oh and I included some Spanish in here! In fact my Spanish name this year was Elena (lol 😂) I don't think anyone got my reference though. Anyway happy Gabelena weekend!

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