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I hate him.

If I could kill him, I would be ecstatic.

To drive a knife straight through his esophagus and let his blood spurt on my skin.

Or even to run the sharp blade across the thin flesh and let the scarlet liquid pour from his throat.

Maybe to take a gun and splatter his brains all over the expensive walls.

Hold his head underwater and keep him there until his lungs fill with water and he fucking drowns. 

Take a- 

"What are you thinking so hard about doll?"

The question rolls off his tongue smoothly, and the deep sound of his voice grasps my attention.

I merely tilt my head in his direction instead of looking at him.

If I look at him my heart will love him even though my brains says not to.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you."

His hand grabs my chin, jerking it towards him.

I stare anywhere but at his face.

"Maybe I should punish you again.

It's fun torturing you doll."

My head tilts up and I spit in his face.

"Go die."

He belts out a laugh surprising me.

"If you want to this to be such a living hell here, I can do that for you."

As soon as he said that the masked man appeared next to Jungkook.

My heartbeat sped up and panic crept up my spine.

I couldn't move away from him, my body was paralyzed.

My lungs felt like they were being crushed and the air squeezed out of them.

Sweat gathered at the top of my forehead, the body temperature was increasing drastically.

Jungkook turned his back and began walking away.

"Have fun with her."

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