Chapter 2

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Wonwoo's Pov:

After hearing the announcement, Mingyu and I started walking around in the garden. At first I thought it would be easy to find at least some of the keys, but after walking around for half an hour, and not finding a single key, nor another person, I realised that this garden was a lot larger than it at first seemed. Mingyu and I didn't talk much as we were both really focused on our job.

All of a sudden, a gust of cold air hit us, making me shiver. I was only wearing a thin t-shirt, courtesy of the stylists. Before I could even think of some way to warm myself, Mingyu took his jacket off and put it on my shoulders. "Don't want you to catch a cold now do we", he said, a small smirk adorning his features. I put my arms through the sleeves and he walked in front of me and zipped the jacket up. Once he was done, he placed a small kiss on my nose. "I love you", I quietly whispered, but loud enough for him to hear. He chuckled quietly as he took my right hand in his left. "Let's not stay in one place for too long", he said as he started walking again.

After walking and looking around for another ten minutes, I saw a patch of ground which seemed a bit off. I let go of Mingyu's hand and walked towards it, Mingyu following right behind me, finding a pathway which lead to an underground area. We ended up in a dark, narrow hallway. At the end of it was an old, rusty door.

I made my way towards the door and cautiously opened it, only to be met with a human head, dangling right in front of me. I jumped back in surprise and tripped over my own feet, letting out a surprised yelp. I would have fallen to the ground, but luckily Mingyu caught me by wrapping his hands around my waist. "You just keep falling for me, don't you," he said with a smirk on his face.

I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes at his cheesy pickup line, still secure in his grip. He silently ran his hand through my hair, so I could calm down. "You ready to go," he asked after my breathing went back to normal. I nodded my head and he unwrapped himself from me, slipping his hand back in mine. Mingyu walked into the room, taking the lead and pulling me with him.

As soon as I was inside, I got hit by an horrible smell. There were dead bodies, both of the human and the animal kind, everywhere and the walls were covered in blood, some of it still fresh. There was also a bloodied hook with a body still on it in the corner of the room.

I squeezed Mingyu's hand a little harder which made him stop looking through the room and turn around. I had closed my eyes, not being able to bare the look of the room any longer. I could feel that Mingyu walked closer to me, before I felt his arms around me once again. He started whispering sweet nothings in my ear to calm me down. I opened my eyes and stared in to his. How can he be this calm? I thought to myself. He leaned down and gave me a quick peck on my cheek, making me blush.

"I'll look around here, you can wait outside if you want", he told me. I immediately shook my head. "I'm alright now, I don't want to leave you on your own". He nodded in response and started looking around again.

While he was looking at the dead bodies, I looked up at the ceiling, thinking that it wouldn't be as bad as the rest of the room, when I saw that something was written on it. "The key is in one of the dead bodies", I read out loud.

Mingyu turned around to look at me, a confused expression etched on his face. "What are you talking about?", he asked me. "It says it up there," I replied, "the key is in one of the dead bodies. "Alright, I'll check the bodies. You might want to not look right now babe, I don't want you to throw up or something," he told me. "Are you sure about this?" I asked him. "I'll be fine, don't worry".

I nodded my head and looked the other way as Mingyu started checking the body on the hook, because, according to him, 'it looked the most suspicious'. Only a few seconds had passed when Mingyu talked to me again. "Wonwoo, I found it so we can leave now". I heard him walk in my direction and started walking through the door and hallway.

"There was a little lake not too far from here. Let's go there so you can wash your hands," I told Mingyu who nodded. We made our way to the lake and Mingyu rinsed his hands and the key, handing it over to me so I could have a better look at it. The key looked quite old-fashioned and had a silver colour, but it did definitely look like a gate key.

I handed the key back to Mingyu, who put it in his pocket for safekeeping. "What should we do now?" Mingyu asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and sat down, my legs tired after all the walking and standing. Mingyu sat down beside me and wrapped his arm around me. He pulled me closer to him and I put my head on his shoulder. I let out a delighted sigh, making Mingyu chuckle.

For a while, we were both calmly resting, enjoying the silence and each other's body warmth. "Is that a hook over there?" Mingyu suddenly asked. I slowly opened my eyes and looked into the direction he was pointing at. "I think so", I answered. "What do you think it's for?" Mingyu asked me. "I don't think we want to find out", I replied, a shiver running down my spine. "Let's just hope the other members have found some keys already and that we can leave soon".

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