Chapter 1

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Chan's Pov:

I woke up in a big room which resembled something like a combination of a kitchen and a dining hall. A headache started to form in my head and the bright lights in the room did not help me with that. I looked around, hoping to get an idea of what had actually happened, and saw both Vernon and Seungkwan lying on the ground, unconscious. Alarm bells started to ring in my head and, with my headache long forgotten, I rushed over to them and checked if they were hurt, which they were luckily not. I tried to wake them up, but neither of them budged.

I decided to kill some time by exploring the room, waiting for them to wake up so the three of us could go explore some other rooms. I had a bad feeling about this place, and sticking together would probably be the best and safest option for all of us.

After looking around for a bit, and not finding anything out of the ordinary, I got startled by Seungkwan's high pitched scream. I calmly walked back to where he was, only to find him sitting where he at first had been laying. "How are you doing, hyung?" I asked. "How are you so calm? What happened? Where are we?" He practically yelled back at me. "I don't know how to answer those questions, hyung. I honestly have no idea what happened either, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary when I checked this place. The only reason why I'm so calm is because panicking and yelling won't help us at all right now. Let's just calm down and wait till Vernon wakes up as well and then explore together, maybe search for the other members", I reasoned. "Are the others also here ?" He asked. "It seems logical, doesn't it. If the three of us are here, the rest us probably here as well". "Yeah, you're probably right".

Around ten minutes later, Vernon finally woke up. "Wha-," he sleepily mumbled, before laying back down again. "Oh hell no, you get your ass up right now, Hansol Vernon Chwe, we're going to explore this place right now and if you don't get up now, we will leave you behind", Seungkwan told Vernon whilst pulling his arm, the sass evident in his voice. "It seems like diva-Boo is up already", Vernon replied, groaning at the loudness of Seungkwan's voice. He rolled his eyes at Seungkwan and slowly got up, dusting of his clothes, which had gotten dirty because of the ground.

The three of us were about to leave the room, when an unfamiliar voice began to speak: "Welcome, welcome, Seventeen. It seems like the lot of you have finally woken up. About time. Anyway, you are probably wondering where you are and what is happening to you. That first question, I'm not going to answer, but I'll cut you some slack and answer the second one for you. We are going to play a fun little game together, and it is completely up to you if you make it out alive. Right now, you're either in the mansion or in the garden, and those are the only places you are allowed to enter. The gate which divides you from the outside world, and your only way of escaping, can only be opened if you find all twelve keys. These keys are hidden around the mansion and the garden. Sounds fun, right? There's just one little problem: I'm going to send a serial killer, whom you literally cannot kill, after you. Good luck and have fun," he said, followed by a maniacal laugh.

The three of us looked at each other and I could see the fear in my hyung's eyes. Both Vernon and Seungkwan seemed frozen in their place, so I decided to take the lead. "Let's go look for those keys and keep our eyes peeled for the other members and of course that killer", I said. But before we could even begin searching, there was a loud scream not too far away. "That was Seokmin hyung, I know for sure. He has girliest scream ever", Seungkwan said. "Alright, change in plans. First we're going to get Seokmin hyung".

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