Chapter One

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I originally intended to make this a one shot, but about halfway, I realized that I had so many ideas for this that it would be much easier if I just made this a mini series instead. So, here we are!
Please vote and leave lots of comments because they are the most motivational things to receive! Thank you, and enjoy!


Scott's kid is his life, and that much is clear from any outside perspective. He loves his little girl more than words could explain, and the bond the two share is strong.

That being said, he understood being a single parent would be hard, especially with a career that required him to be away from home more than he would like. When Bailey was little, it made him especially nervous to go on long trips. He was terrified of leaving her alone with the nanny for more than a few hours, and he was even less eager to run off to work for days, like when his artist had a huge event in a different state.

While he was a little upset that he was losing some time at work, doing what he loved, he was forever grateful for his sidekick, Kirstin. She was the agent for the popular artist he managed and whenever he was being strained between family and his career, she always stepped in, taking the heavy workload from him and reassuring him that it was okay for him to choose his growing girl over his job. She made life significantly easier, letting him manage things from afar, rather than following them to other countries for tours and minor events. Of course, he still did his job, still supported his artist and, well, managed, but he was no longer forced to spend months away from home. He knew he wouldn't be able to stay away from his beautiful baby for that long.

His true life-saver, though, was and is his super hot nanny.

Scott had gone through the long, tedious process of screening dozens of nannies. He had let some go through a trial period, even, only to move on to a different nanny when they tried getting into the pants of the successful manager. He was well off, working for an up-and-coming artist who was signed under a big label definitely had its benefits. However, with that, came golddiggers and a good portion of the nannies he hired seemed to want more than the good money he was willing to pay them. It was overly frustrating to see these nannies caring more for him than his daughter.

When he found Mitch, it was like an angel had been sent from the heavens. At that point, Bailey had been only three, and Scott had been completely baffled at how well the two clicked. He remembers a sleepy little Bailey stumbling into the living room, her teddy clutched tightly in her little hand. Scott remembers the way both he and Mitch had jumped off the couch, rushed over to the little girl who mumbled, "nigh'mare, Dada." The way Mitch had helped him comfort Bailey was all Scott needed as confirmation that Mitch would be the perfect nanny for his little girl.

His appreciation for Mitch only grows as Bailey does. She loves Mitch, always squeals when he shows up in the morning, runs over to him to show him whatever is interesting her that moment. And Mitch is so good with her, too, always so patient and caring. He treats her gently, with love, even. Scott honestly doesn't think he could have found a better nanny for Bailey, has never been more grateful.

Except Mitch is attractive - really attractive. It's the only thing that had him almost turning Mitch away. Obviously, he didn't - he knew he couldn't find another nanny that clicked so well with Bailey, but his growing attraction to Mitch was proving a problem. He has yet to tell anyone, barely admitting to himself, how his heart swells whenever he comes home to find his daughter playing happily with Mitch. There are some nights when he walks through the door to a seemingly empty house, only to find the two snuggling in Bailey's little bed, a storybook forgotten on the floor. It warms Scott's chest, seeing the most important person in his life being cared for so well by someone else, someone else who seems like he might love her as much as Scott does.

Mitch is fairly independent, several years as a nanny enhancing his professionalism when dealing with Bailey. Previous nannies liked to text Scott at the smallest sign of a problem - Bailey crying, throwing a tantrum, missing her Dada - but Mitch seems to solve problems before they even start, always knowing how to comfort Bailey perfectly. It's like he's finely tuned to care for Scott's daughter specifically.

Scott gets the occasional text while he's at work, like a little announcement that Bailey insisted she was not tired enough to nap, or a notification to beware the sugar crash because Mitch allowed Bailey three cookies today instead of her normal two since she was such a good girl and helped clean up all her toys. It means everything to Scott to know that he doesn't have to worry about his baby's safety when she's with Mitch, and people at work have all started to notice his calmness, are thankful for whatever it is that's providing him with the ability to relax sometimes. Kirstin is the only one who knows that his source of relief is a who and not a what.


Sometimes, Mitch stays after hours.

Like tonight, Scott gets home, around seven, and Mitch offers to stay for a bit, let Scott shower and unwind without having to worry about Bailey waking up alone. Scott thanks him with a soft smile and trudges off to his room to wash off the day's work. When he's all finished and clothed in some sweats and a pajama shirt, he returns to the living room. Mitch is lounging comfortably on the couch, the remote nestled in his hand as he flips through channels.

"Hey," Scott says softly, doesn't want to startle Mitch. Pretty brown eyes glance to him, settle on him and he sends a gentle smile back to Scott. "Thank you," Scott says as he settles onto the spot of the couch next to Mitch.

"Of course," Mitch says. "Rough day?"

Scott shrugs, "I guess. I don't know - maybe not rough, per se. It was just long. Thank God it's Friday, right?"

Mitch laughs softly, and it makes Scott a bit sad, knows he won't get to hear anything like that again until Monday. Of course, he values the weekend and the time he gets to spend with his daughter, but he also wishes Mitch could tag along sometimes, knows Bailey would probably like it, too.

"Well, I'd better-"

"Dada?" Bailey's quiet voice comes from the corner of the room, from the hall joining her bedroom to the living room. "You're home!" She squeals, rushing over to the couch to hop into Scott's lap and hug him tightly. He laughs, hugging his little girl closely and ruffling her hair.

"Of course, buttercup."

Mitch smiles at the two, moving to grab his coat from the back of the lounge chair. This draws Bailey's attention away from her father, and she turns in his lap. "Mishy is still here?"

He waves, "yeah, sweetie, I'm here. But your Dada is home now, so it's time for me to go."

She frowns, her bottom lip sticking out in a pout as she turns back to Scott. "No! Dada, can Mishy stay?" Scott blanks, glances at Mitch nervously.

"If he wants to, buttercup. You've got to ask Mitch," Scott says, pressing a kiss to her forehead before she spins back around in his lap.


"Mitch, buttercup." Scott corrects softly.

She frowns at her mistake, eyes her father with wide pretty eyes when he gently tucks a strand of her matching blond hair behind her ear. "Mi-" she tries, frowning deeper before finishing with a strangled attempt at a "tch" sound. Scott soothes her, runs a hand through her short hair and presses a soft kiss to the top of her head.

"Good job, Bailey."

She smiles, her thoughts forgotten momentarily as her frown washes away, but then her eyes lock back on Mitch, and she claps her hands together, opening her eyes wide in her best puppy dog impersonation. "Don' go, please!"

Mitch flashes Bailey a bright smile, spares a glance to Scott who only nods his consent to the extended stay before setting his coat back down and moving to sit on the couch again. Bailey pushes herself of the couch to settle in between Scott and Mitch. She looks comfy in between them and it warms Scott's heart to see her so at ease, so happy. She looks up at her dad, and shares a toothy smile. Scott remembers when they grew in.

"Can we wash a movie, Dada?"

Scott nods, smiles at both Bailey and Mitch as he speaks a quiet, "of course, buttercup."

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