Coco Pommel tells Discord a bedtime story

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Hey, Coco?

Yes, brain?

You know what? Screw it. You're on your own for this one.

Coco couldn't really see what the person looked like, as they were in a cave and it was dark outside as well ( it does get powerful dark at night, she thought stupidly), but what she could see from the light coming from the chinks in the rock barrier behind her seemed to give off gave her the impression that some god had been making some animal and then added too much Chemical X.

The person towered over her (making her have to crane her neck as she was also on the ground and all), being about three times her height, and Coco could see the faintest outline of two mismatched horns that certainly weren't resembling a unicorn's on his long head. For some reason, unlike the the three creatures his torso was made of the general build of his body reminded her of a skink one of her cousins used to bother her with. The position of his arms suggested that he had his hands held behind his back, his lamplike golden and red eyes were surveying her in turn and he was arching his eyebrows expectantly.

Pommel had been expecting this, but the reality of seeing the thing that she used to have to write homework about in person reminded her of how discordant his asymmetrical self was meant to be. Her fashion senses just looked at him, before shrugging in defeat and stating that any stallion would look good in a tuxedo.

It didn't really matter- the person could have looked like Cerberus and she doubted she would do anything but sit there and stare and not bother to collect her wits, because it was as if all that sudden everything of the past half hour had stretched her ability to feel fear so much that she felt as if she had broken it.

They both stared at each other, one faintly amused and the other with a tilted head and one squinting eye.

I must really be such an embarrassing mess, Coco thought absently, but didn't really feel like moving to check if she had a hairbrush and judging by the cold on her coat she had lost her saddlebag anyways.

As time crawled on it became painfully obvious to the young mare that the person in front of her wasn't going to do anything to break the ice, so Coco meekly raised a hoof to her mouth and cleared her throat, averting her gaze.

"Good morning, monsieur. Or bonsoir, sir. I mean they're both the same thing. I don't believe you've introduced your self but Buttershy has been telling me a lot about you. Fluttershy. I-I said Fluttershy."

She put a hoof on her temple in exasperation, let out a shaky breath and looked around, feeling rather awkward and wishing that the person wouldn't stare at her so. "I-I'm -going to have to ask to b-be excused, as my n-normal powers of flight- not flight- w-wait, no- ah, w-wording- wording? That's n-not even a-" she broke off in frustration and puffed out her chest. "Why are you looking at me like that?!"

For the person had begin to chuckle- this deep rumbling noise in his chest- as Coco stuttered on, and with her final outburst he began laughing outright, doing a double take with his hands on his chest. The sound echoed through the cave and bounced through Coco who ducked her head and flattened her ears, feeling her face prickle uncomfortably and an embarrassed little smile unfold.

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