Chapter 1

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It was just another ordinary day for me, my brown hair swept into a loose bun, my dress while not old, was not the newest either. With my bow and arrows strapped to my back, I headed out for the fields of my small village Gaandelen. I was the last noble of Gaandelen, the war had taken much from our village just like it had many others. The only reason I was still alive able to keep my village away from war was because I was the last Lady of my House, the House of Gandorn, the most prestigious archers of the country. I was named after the First Lady of the House. Elleanor, but everyone called me Ellie.

I was tasked to make sure my village had food, water, cattle and wood for the winter every year. Most of the men would gather the required items and we would always make sure we hid some in cellars to hide from soldiers who pass through the village on the way to the front lines. Our country was called Brune, the other AncorFell, we had been at war for stupid reasons, AncorFell had people called Lords of Chaos, men who were able to use the elements to their bidding. They were strong in war and also in medicine, giving them the upper hand in the war. Although, Brune had many soldiers to fight against these Lords, we are no match for such powerful enemies.

It was only a letter of time until Gaandelen was involved in the war efforts. Our men taken away to fight, our food and clothes taken away for the soldiers. I was also to head to the front lines soon, they would need archers and teachers. I would be the best choice to both train and to fight for our country, but sadly that would mean having to meet the Prince, the ugly man in both personality and looks. Prince Adewald was a coward whom hid behind his guards to protect him, then take all the credit, I had only seen him a few times, but I knew we disliked each other from the start. With him on the front lines, even with the number of 25,000 soldiers against only a slim 5,000 enemies, we were sure to lose with his idiocy. The Prince would get us all killed before even thinking about retreat, and he would o lay retreat if he was in danger.

"Ellie!! You are spacing off again. Pay attention, we need to count the bushels or grain from the last harvest that are left over for this winter." Mary, a farmers wife snaps to me. "Oh my! So sorry my Lady, I didn't mean to snap!" She apologizes. "No, please Mary, you were right to snap, I was dozing. No need to apologize for my mistakes." I explain softly to the older woman. Mary looked up, glancing past my shoulder her eyes suddenly pale and her eyes grow wider. " Oh Ellie... They are here... for you..." Mary whispers sadly, making me glance over my shoulder I see the soldiers and quickly walk over to them. "Ellie Gaandorn of Gaandelen! The King and the country request your assistance on the front lines, on the plains of Phantor. You shall service your kingdom by teaching Archery, and possibly laying down your life for our noble King! We request you in 3 days time!" The soldier hands me the royal summons and I quickly hurry inside my Estate to begin packing for my journey ahead.

{Thank you I hope you enjoy the first chapter!!}

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