I Miss You

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Jacobs POV

Four months have passed since Savanna was taken. Slowly put surely everyone started to give up hope of ever finding her. Me, James, Micheal and Tyler were the only ones who still had hope. Everyday we would get up at six in the morning and search for any evidence to where they could have gone. Everyday we went back to our home's empty handed and even more depressed.

James tried countless times to locate her using every and any spell he could think of. The spells always ended in failure. He told us that Richard probably had her mind blocked and a witch was helping him keep her hidden.

Today was just like any other day. Got up at six, search for hours on end until twelve before going home disappointed. I couldn't shake the feeling that she was out there, but that she didn't want to be saved. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair for the millionth time since she's been missing. My heart was heavy and my emotions were bleak and numb so to say I was shocked beyond compare when I saw Bella leaning against my car with a strained look on her face. Furrowing my eyebrows slowly walked over to her.

"Bella? What are you doing here?" I'm more than surprised that her leech had let her come over here. Sadly Edward and his family had came back a month ago after Bella went to Italy to save Edward. Ever since then me and Bella haven't talked. With my mind so focused on finding Savanna I barley had time to do anything else. It didn't matter though. I'd give up anything to have Savanna back in my arms. Bella frowned and walked over to me.

"Jacob? You look so pale and thin. Have you been eating?" I barley listened to a word she said.

"Jacob are you even listening to me? Ever since Savanna left you've acted like a zombie. It's not healthy. Jake she's been gone for four months. Everyone else has given up hope of ever finding her. I think it would be best for your health if you let her go." My eye's widened in shock before anger took over. Growling ferociously at her I stomped over to her.

"I can't believe those words left your mouth Bella. I will never give up on finding Savanna. She is the love of my life! My very reason for living and you dare tell me that I should give up on her!" Growling louder I grabbed her by her neck and squeezed a little. Bella's eyes widened in fear and she clawed at my hand.

"J-Jacob! Let me go!" She groaned and squirmed against my hand.

"You listen to me Bella and you listen well. I will never, ever let Savanna go. I will keep looking for her until the last of my breath. Do you understand me?!" I growled at her. She quickly nodded her head. Letting her go I let her fall to the ground and watched her gasp for air. My eyes were hard and I had every intention to keep the search going.

"Get out of my sight Bella. I never want to speak or see you again. You stay on your side of the land and I'll stay on mine." Bella slowly stood up and began walking over to her car. Stopping at the drivers side she turned to look at me.

"I hope you know what you're doing Jake. As far as you know, she could be dead. Just think about it Jake. You know I'll always be here for you." Opening the car door she got in, backed out of my drive way and sped down the street. Was Bella right? Should I give up like everybody else and try to accept the fact that Savanna could possibly be dead? Shaking my head I quickly forced the thoughts out of my mind. No I will not give up. No matter the cost and sacrifice. I will always look for her until I knew that she was alive.

I don't know how I knew it, but in the deepest part of my soul I knew that she was alive. That she was out there somewhere and I just had to keep being persistent and keep looking. Sighing I walk into the house, closing the door and make my way to my room. Flinging my bedroom door open I lay'd on my bed just staring up at the ceiling.

"Don't sorry Savanna. I will find you."  


Well there is the last chapter people. The sequel to this story is called The Animal I Have Become. Soo you know where to look if you want to read it lol.

We Fit Together Like Ying And Yang (A Jacob Black Love Story) Being Edited!Where stories live. Discover now