Chapter 2

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Zephrine shut herself in her chambers, wiping away her tears, which had become dirty with the powder on her eyes. Her chest stung when she inhaled, almost like someone had forced a sword through her heart.

She paced around the room, taking her hair out of its braid and brushing it furiously, a habit of hers that she missed doing. She combed through her hair until the brush glided through it with like a spoon in tomato soup. She fell backwards on the bed, trying to pull herself together.

The reunion they had wasn't what she thought it would be. She hoped to be welcomed, even without Eetu, hoped that her brothers would understand her. She knew they loved her, and she loved them, but they never were the type to have more than ten minutes of emotion.

All she could think of was how she'd give anything to go back to Ithia, back to the Itiiraea festival, back when Eetu was still alive, back when she had no conflicting emotions.

Everything was so complicated in her head now, she had no time to process anything, no time catch up with herself. After watching the canopy over her bed until she could memorize every thread, Zephrine slipped her boots on, wiped off the beauty products on her face, and gently shut her chamber door as she left.

She had reached the second floor when she heard footsteps. Vana rounded the corner, bumping straight into Zephrine.

"My Lady, I'm so sorry." Zephrine held her hands out, ready to pull Vana back up if she fell. "Are you alright?"

Vana nodded, wiping under her nose, where blood was starting to flow. "Or maybe not." She said, observing the blood.

"Where's your chamber? I'll clean it up." Zephrine offered.

"Just this one." Vana gestured to the door just to the left of Zephrine.

Zephrine sat Vana down at the table, then picked up a small handkerchief from the dresser. She opened the window, scooping up some of the frost there in the cloth.

"Pinch your nose. Just like this." She demonstrated by firmly pressing her thumb and forefinger on the soft part of her nose, just in top of her nostrils.

Vana obeyed, but began to tilt her head back.

"No, don't do that. Keep it just a little forward." Zephrine adjusted Vana's head, pressing the cold cloth over her nose and cheeks.

After what felt like eternity, Zephrine removed the cold cloth and ordered Vana to stop pinching her nose. The bleeding had stopped.

"There we go. Simple as that." Zephrine straightened the collar of her cloak.

"You're related to the court physician, yes?" Vana stood, shaking Zephrine's hand.

"He's my brother."

"You look so much like him. But prettier." Vana winked, pushing back a loose strand of Zeprhine's hair that had fallen into her eyes.

"Thank you?"

"Can I trust you with a message for your brother?"

Zephrine nodded. "Of course you can."

"Could you tell him that the vial he found is nothing to worry about and that I'd like it back?"

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