Part 1: introduction

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School, I loved it. I loved the atmosphere, the people but most of all I loved learning. I'm a bit of a nerd to be honest, I always have been.

I went into my English class for my teacher to assign me to a new seat, next to Robert Sugden, I have been crushing on him since I was 14 years old, that's a whole 4years. He was beautiful, smart and popular, everyone loved him. I took out my books, pens and started to copy the notes from the board.

"Hi, Aaron" said Robert. I was  surprised he even knew my name...

"Eh...hi" I replied. Robert just gave me this strange look followed by a small smile.

"You're cute" Robert quickly said. I don't think he meant to, he had one of them looks where he knew he'd messed up.

"What?" I nervously laughed. Surely I must've heard him wrong? There was no way that Robert sugden was gay... girls loved him, and even if he was gay, he would never be interested in me.

"Nothing" Robert said quietly, realising what he had said.

I chose to just let it go. We spent the rest of the lesson talking about pointless stuff and laughing at everyone around us. Suddenly the bell went, surely class wasn't over already?

              ROBERT'S P.O.V:
"You're cute" I said to Aaron, obviously not thinking before I spoke. Aaron looked confused...but not disgusted, that was a good thing, right? Aaron was a lot of things but gay definitely wasn't one of them. If I want to keep my sexuality a secret then I have to stop these stupid little slip ups.

I have had a crush on Aaron for the past 4 years, I really admire him, he's smart, gorgeous and doesn't care what anyone else thinks, I wish I could be more like him.

I'm bisexual, I haven't told anyone yet, I know they'd look at me differently.

Myself and Aaron talked for the remainder of the lesson, I felt as if we had been friends forever, he was so easy to talk to and really understanding. He's perfect.

Suddenly the bell rang, signalling the end of class. I can't  believe that's it over already!

             AARON'S P.O.V:
Lunch came around, I sat at a table by myself, as I do most days. I don't have many friends, well I don't actually have any friends. Suddenly Robert came over and sat next to me, did he need help with homework or something?

"Back so soon, Huh? Do you need help with your  homework or something?" I said jokingly.

"Homework?" Robert replied with an element of surprise in his voice "do you really think I'm only talking to you because I need help with homework? If you must know I'm here because my "friends" are being assholes and you're the only person that I don't want to punch right now"

"Umm, thanks" I laughed nervously.

"Shut up" Robert said, almost sounding flirtatious. He was's like he didn't even try. Robert wasn't an ass like his friends though, he is one of them people who doesn't actually know how good they look but that just makes him more beautiful.

I couldn't help but stare at him, he has a perfectly toned body and muscles and the most beautiful blonde hair I have ever seen...don't even get me started on his personality, he's too perfect to even put into words.

             ROBERT'S P.O.V:
I noticed Aaron staring at me, I didn't say anything though, I think it's really adorable. Is it possible that he gay? No, I'm being ridiculous, there's no way possible that Aaron could be there?

"Eh hello, earth to Aaron" I finally said after a few minutes of him staring. Aaron just gave me this cute embarrassed look, his face went a deep red colour after I had mentioned it to him, I almost felt bad or maybe this was an opportunity to force some truth out of him.

"You were staring at me for quite a long while, maybe it's time to confess your undying love for me?" I teased, he was so cute when he was embarrassed.

"Yeah, obviously" Aaron replied without missing a beat "I can't get enough of how irritating you are," Aaron leaned over and placed a kiss on my cheek. For the first time  in my life I had nothing to say.

Aaron had this proud smile on his face after he realised he had silenced me. It was then the bell rang to tell us lunch was over, I was so thankful for it! Now I wouldn't have to explain to Aaron why I have became so smiley all of a sudden, I just wish he had kissed me properly!


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