Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can.

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We, in the world are the strongest living organism.


That's what the scientist tells us, but did they ever think once, just once about the mental pain?

The things that hurts us the most, the emotions and thoughts.

The thing that drive us to insanity and cruelty.

They say time heals all, but do you really want to forget?

The feeling of being loved.

The sounds of laughter.

The smiles and tears.

Have you ever felt so small and weak?

I did, the grief and pain, etched on my chest forever in pain.

When you know your life will never be the same again and yet you still stand there, pretend, acting like everything is normal, living behind a lie.

We all fear something, some of us more then others.

To most people, death has the title of the most feared.

It is not, something you should fear, but accept.

We all die, its something that cant be helped.

Death could be like an antidote to the pain and suffer.

Some welcome death in hope to rid of the grief.

Ever felt that heart wrenching feeling, that feeling of no hope. Where you just given up.

But sometimes a little old saying keeps me strong,

Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can.

A wise women once said that.

Now I live my life with that saying.

Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, i give myself reasons why I can.Where stories live. Discover now