Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can. -1-

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I slightly open my eyes and look around, where was I? I found my brothers worried face washed over with relief, worried? relief?

"what? what happened?" my voice came out hoarse,

"don't you remember?" his voice was tired and heavy, I tilt my head to the side.

I felt my face flash up with recognition ..oh my god... I remember everything since that horrific evening started.

Loud chattering hushed as the trumpets sounded through the palace, when it came to a stop i heard the doorman announce those painful lines: " I now announce you Prince Declan Trey Johnathan and Princess Ivory Aaliyah Serina of Estonia." I smiled but I guessed it was more of a grimace as my brother rolled his eyes and stuck out his elbow in a gesture for me to loop my arm through his. I stood up straight and smiled as the heavy rich oak doors open revealing long stairs, i took one glance at my brother and in returned he winked at me and took the lead.

I love my brother, he's my twin. Older then my by exactly 63 seconds. But its amazing, He was borne on the 15th of august, I on he other hand was borne on the 16th of august. He had the same dark brown hair and fair skin as i do. We do look alike, I must admit. As I glided down the stairs, I couldn't help but feel this gut feeling like i shouldn't be here, that today was going to end badly. I was met with envious glares by the young girls, lust filled eyes by the boys.I never knew what there was to be envious of or to be lustful of.

My brother and I reached the bottom of the stairs and turned to face each other, he took out his hand in gesture for me to place my hand in it and took a small bow, i placed my hand in his and curtsied, the song started as me and my brother danced to the music. My gown gliding peacefully with the ground. After a minute or less, people started to dance along.

I sighed, "Whats the sigh for?" i looked up at my brother "hmm? oh nothing really, its just.." "just what?" he asked curiously "I wish for this ball to end, I am already bored an its just 9 o'clock!" He chuckled, "Yeah just 9 o'clock, the ball has started for about 30 seconds now, been ages" "amusing" I said sarcastically, in return he grinned and continue to dance.

It was the traditional summer ball, something we tend to hold yearly. The song finally came to an end, -yes!! finally, goodbye brother- i gently slipped out of my brothers grip and walked over to the big doors that lead to the garden. I passed a reflection of myself, i was wearing a lavender colored gown, silver heels, my favorite ring that my grandmother gave me, it didn't really match what i was wearing, but i loved it no matter what. My gray and violet eyes standing out against my pale fair skin and dark brown hair that was up in a complicated bun.

On my way to the garden a girl passed me, i took my time to analyzed her. She was pretty, no doubt with the baby blue eyes and long blond hair but everything about her seemed to scream SLUT. From the hooker heels to the short prom dress that went mid thigh, and all the pink, ergh! pink! haha, have fun with my brother tonight hooker.

Once i got outside i took in a deep breath, mmm that's nice "care to join me in for this dance?" i turn around and grinned at my best friend, Xavier Demtrief. His dirty blond hair and electric blue eyes, made his face even more outstanding. "I would love to" i said beaming He grinned at me and his whole 6 pack, tank biceps and tall body stepped close to me and held me close as i placed my hand around his neck. "You look stunning today by the way princess" I blushed and looked down "Thank you, but i must admit you look like quite the stunner yourself" I looked into his eyes and smiled. Oh okays, i have to admit.. I had a crush on this guy for AGES! but i figured out, he never had the same feeling. He lent close to my ear and whispered "I'm glad, im glad to have you" causing my heart to jump up 6 feat into the sky (not literally of course!) "I am forever grateful" i whisperer back and kissed him lightly on the cheek. I turned to walk away when i felt a sudden grip on my wrist and i was dragged back into him, just as i was about to protest his lips met mine, after the shock i kissed back, it was sweet and passionate and i enjoyed every single minute of it. We pulled apart breathless and our cheeks flushed. "well that was different" i murmured "yeah" i heard him sigh

Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, i give myself reasons why I can.Where stories live. Discover now