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Sebastian Moran woke up from his slumber in a dreaded state of anger and anxiety. It had been the same dream for over two months now. The night of the car crash and how all his friends had died. The dream never changed. He couldn't help but feel agitated by the matter. it had been three years since their deaths. He understood he was going to get the dreams again due to the anniversary of the crash coming up next month, he always did.  However, it still pissed him off; the lingering thought in the back of head whispering, "Why did I survive? Why me? "

He grunted at himself in rage, knocking a pillow to the ground. He hated feeling like this. He shouldn't feel like it, but he did.
Grabbing the whiskey from his hotel room's bedside table he poured himself a bit in a glass and took a swing. Trying to drown out the nasty emotions with the bitter taste of alcohol. He regretted the nap. He should have taken a shower but no, he decided to be lazy and sleep. He grabbed his phone from under his pillow to look at the time, 9:45 p m.  Hauling himself slowly off the bed he trudged into the bathroom yawning and stretching as he did so.

Sebastian stared at his reflection in the mirror. God, did he look like an awful sight. His face was pale and had more bags under them than a person going groceries shopping. The scars which decorated his face even looked pale! He sighed and grabbed his comb, raking back his blonde undercut.  Yet, no matter what he did, his thoughts still came back to the dream. He washed his face to wake himself up a bit more looking at himself in the mirror with a damp face.  "You can't keep remembering this. The interview is coming up on Monday. I need to find peace in my sleep." suddenly, the hotel leaflets caught his eye - well moreso a specific leaflet on the stand; 'A Gay Ol'Time: Find the perfect gay bar near you'. It looked interesting. He had been meaning to read it but never got the chance to. He stared at the colorful leaflet with topless men flexing thier muscels, wearing only a pink G strap and a rainbow cowboy hat. He had never been to a gay bar, he always wanted to. Maybe this would be a better time than ever. "Fuck it," he muttered. "Might as well."

The blonde left the bathroom to grab the leaflet flicking through the contents.  It might help you relax and forget for tonight.  You never know, it could be fun. You might find a cute guy to fuck. He smiled at the thought,  that would be nice. Luckily for Sebastian Moran there was one bar close by so he wouldn't need to take a taxi. He didn't want to get in any car tonight, not after his dream. He decided he'd go there. Just to have a look and experience it for once.

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