Drip drip DROP

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Ariels P.O.V

I didn't say anything I just turned around and walked to my room and stared at my wall. "Why are you so sad?" Maddie said concerned.

I wiped my tears away "N-nothing..let's go get you something to eat."I put on a fake smile.

Katherine's P.O.V

We lost our breath and took a break. "I..think imma go.." I said having a hard time breathing. I regretted this I will always regret it but I can't stop it's like a drug.

I went downstairs to get a snack.
I went to the fridge and Ariel was sitting at the table giggling with Maddie.

  As I walked to the table and sat down Ariel stopped laughing and stared at me. "Hey there.." I awkwardly say. She didn't say anything and she left.

~what did I do~ I ask myself.
I walks to her room and she stares at me "get out whore!" She yelled. "What the hell is wrong with you Ariel?" I said surprised.

"I know you're sleeping with him Kat!" She spit out. I stare at her with my eyes wide. "How um long has this been going on huh?" She asked.

"It only happened twice and it won't happen again." She looked at me like I was lying. "Twice! Kat he has a girlfriend! And I thought you and Lima were friends?" I start feeling guilty."

"we are friends it's just he's like a drug Ariel I just can't stop.."I put my face in my hands. "Well it's not gonna happen anymore...pack your stuff your going back with your mommy." She rolled her eyes and threw the suit case at me.

I nodd my head "o-okay.."

Michaels P.O.V

I woke up and Katherine was no longer beside me..good. She's so addicting I just can't stop.

Ariel barges into my room. "I'm gonna tell Lima about your affair with my bestfriend!"  ~how does she know~ "don't look at me like that stupid! You left the door cracked!" She looked at me with disgust on her face.

"Maybe next time you should mind your own business." I took a sip of my henny. "Look don't tell Lima seriously she's just how I keep myself away from Kat." I told her."  "well looks like lima isn't working idiot!"

"Just don't have sex with any of MY friends okay." She said frustrated and slammed the door.

And then it opened again and this time it was Katherine with a suit case..

"Sup.." I said confused. "I'm leaving..and I don't think I'm coming back..so." She just stood there. "What..you wanna good bye kiss or sum?" I asked her taking a sip of my henny. "O-kay well imma go bye.."

Then I stood up and pull her towards me and give her a kiss. She stood there surprised then smiled. Then left...

My bestfriend's step-brother Where stories live. Discover now