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      Katherine's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and everything was blurry. "Katherine you will be okay!" I hear a doctor trying to communicate with me. I see Ariel running trying to catch up to the cart.

I feel pain in my stomach and I pass out again.

Michaels P.O.V

"Michael she's gonna be fine.." Ariel rubs my shoulder.

What about the baby, it isn't mine I know but still..she's gonna be really upset. This is all my fucking fault I should've never let her leave the room.

"Hello..Michael." Ariel was trying to get my attention but I was completely zoned out and was staring at the marble floor.

"Hi are you Michael Giovino?" This women came up to me.

"Yes, are you a doctor?" I asked her

"Yes...I'm afraid I have very bad news but also I think good news." She faked smiled.

"Go ahead."

"Well..if Katherine gives birth to the baby she won't have enough strength to live..but if she doesn't she will live." She said biting her lip looking down.

"She's not giving birth." I already made up my mind I want her to live.

"Uh no this is up to Kat not you Michael!" Ariel yelled at me.

"SHE'S NOT GIVING BIRTH!" I yelled back at Ariel then she slapped me.

"You're not the one carrying a baby." She then went into Katherine's room.

Ariels P.O.V

I walked in the room and Katherine was passed out...

"Hey.." I said poking her dimples

"Hey..." she said yawning "what happened.."

"You don't remember the car accident?" I asked

"No..." she said confused "shit I forgot to do my homework!" She said freaking out Katherine was that girl in school who always did her homework.

"Were not in school anymore we graduated." I chuckled. "You're a model now!" I said smiling.

"Oh right." She said. Then she felt her stomach hurting and she started holding it. "What the FUCK did I eat last night!" She almost cried because of the pain.

"You're..pregnant..kind of.." she then started to remember.

"Ew Jadon died right?" She said hoping he was dead.

"Yes..and about the baby if you give birth you will die..but you won't if you get an abortion.."

She sat there and stared blankly at the wall.

"I want..." she started speaking.

Michael busted into the room.

"You want..TO LIVE RIGHT!" He yelled.

"Michael! This isn't your fucking decision!" I pushed him.

"GUYS COME ON..I made my decision!"

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