Chapter 3- Crashed

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"Shorty, you coming?" You here Dean yell from the other room. "We're gonna go find this Mathew Conway guy." You walk out in your fake FBI uniform. "Actually, I've been asked to do a case a few towns over from here..." You tell him. Cas suddenly appears in the room.
"From who?" Dean asks. "Remember that old hunter guy we met last month, apparently he's on a case in Oregon and asked if I could check out this house and see if it's anything serious... Says he knows the family." You explain. Dean shrugs, "Well... Ok, catch up with you after then."
"Want backup?" Cas asks, you shake your head no. "I'll call you if I need anything, but I should be good for know." You kiss him and grab a crowbar from the cupboard near the bunker door.
  "What do you need that for?" They ask you. You grin. "I need a car!" You say, and head out.
  You walk about a mile towards the nearest street and while no ones looking, gently crack open the door of a black Kia.
Of course, old skills from Bobby always pay off, you Hotwire the car and drive off back towards the bunker to clear the car of any evidence that it had been stolen, including the license plates and stickers on the car.
  Once you finished your little heist, you start driving towards the address that the hunter had sent you and call Castiel.
"How'd it go?"
"Well, I found a black Kia... And I took it, and now I'm on my way."
"You're ridiculous, y/n!" You hear Dean yell from the background jokingly. You smile.
"Who in this family isn't ridiculous!" You testify. "Ok, I'm around the corner, call you later. Love ya, bye"
"Ok, love you too... Bye" Castiel ends the call as you pull up.
  You pull your hair back into a neat pony-tail and grab your fake badge, heading towards the front door.
"Hello...?" A man answers the door. "Hello, are you Mr.Rodrigues? I'm agent Johansen, I was hoping I could ask you and your wife a few questions?" You ask, holding up your badge. He opens the door wider.
"Uh- yes, come right in... The police already came in earlier this week..." He says to you, you turn around and nod.
  "Ah, yes I'm aware of that. I was in town and I typically deal with these types of situations on my team, they suggested I come take a look at your case." You lie to him. He nods as his supposed wife walks in the room.
"Hun, this is Agent Johansen, she wanted ask us a few questions..." He explains to her. Once you all sit down in the dining room you begin your interrogation.
"Ok... These questions may seem a bit random, but have any of you experienced any strange occurrences through the house lately... Such as cold spots, flickering lights, things of that nature...?" You ask, they look at each other, and then back at you.
"Actually-" The wife begins, but is cut off by the sound of your phone ringing. You look at the caller  ID and see that it's the old hunter who sent you this job.
  "Uhm- I am so sorry, I have to take this... It's my boss." You plead, they nod as you step outside and answer the phone.
"Hey-ah... This is y/n' right?" He asks. "Yes, what's up?"
"I felt like I was asking too much of ya, having just met-ya and all... I finished my job early, I'm actually about 20 minutes away now, I can take the rest from here if you'd like."
"Oh- Well, uhm... I mean you can if you'd like to, it's really no trouble to me-"
"Please... You seem like such a nice young lady, I'm nearby, you can just lay off the case and I'll do the dirty work." He says, you shrug.
"Okay, whatever's fine."
You end the call and walk back inside. "I am so sorry Mr. And Mrs.Rodrigues, my boss says we have an emergency back base, my partner is on his way here now to wrap up the questions..." You apologize. They nod.
"That's completely fine, agent, whatever it takes to protect our citizens." He says.
You exit the house and get back in your stolen car, calling Castiel as you begin to drive away.
"Any luck?" He asks after answering the phone. "Actually, didn't need any. The guy that gave me the job I guess felt guilty and decided to take it over." "Hmm, okay... Well besides the fact, Dean is going to be finishing the job from here, would you like me to meet up with you?" He asks. You begin to watch the car in your rear-view mirror.
"Uh, yeah, that's fine... Babe?" You begin "Yes, is there a problem?". You watch more closely at the car. "I think someone is following me..." You say. "Y/n, where are you. I'm coming." You notice another car similar to the one following you beginning to follow your indecipherable route as well. "Babe there's more of them! What do I do?!" You panic, speaking louder into the phone. "You can start by telling me where you are, y/n, where are you?!" Cas demands protectively. He is soon cut off by you shouting. "Holy shit!-" you yelp before all Castiel hears through the phone is the distinctive sounds of a crash.
"Cas, what happened?" Dean asks him. You are unresponsive through the phone. "I don't know Dean- Hello? Y/n? What happened?" He asks worriedly into the phone.
You had been smashed into by yet again another similar looking car, causing yours to tumble over and land roof down.
"Amber road... Lebanon-..." You whimper through the phone. Castiel thinks about the location.
"I'll call you." He says to Dean before flying over. The road you were on was particularly small, making it easy for him to locate you.
"Y/n? Y/n! Shit!" Cas exclaims, running up next to your car. You were dangling upside down, still strapped to your seatbelt. Glass from the window was shattered all over you, along with a few cuts and bruises from the impact of being hit. From the position, this was all Cas could see.
Cas frantically calls Dean as he feels for your pulse and tries to take the weight off of you from being upside down.
"Dean. It's bad... She isn't answering." Cas says through his call, running his hand through his hair trying to think of what to do.
"Shit... Ok, call 911, if she's in a coma I don't want us making any decisions apart... I'll grab Sam and we'll meet you at the hospital."
By the time the call between Cas and Dean had ended, someone had already called 911 and the ambulance sirens were balding down the street. With tedious work and the help of the jaws of life, they were able to get you out of the car, rushing you to the hospital with Castiel by your side in the back of the ambulance.
Within minutes you were being rushed inside the hospital, Sam and Dean running alongside your gurney with Castiel. Once the nurses tell them no one is allowed inside at the moment, the three group together nervously.
"Okay... What the hell happened?!" Sam demanded, Dean and Cas sigh. "I-I don't know. I was talking to her on the phone after she left her case, and the told me she thought she was being followed. When I found her, her car had been smashed into on the side of the road." Cas fretted.
"Well... You two stay here and wait to see if the doctors come out... I'm gonna go try to find the son of a bitch who did this." Dean says. "Dean, are you kidding me? That's not the most important topic right now..." Sam exclaims, but Cas interjects. "No, Dean is right... You two should go find whoever it was together, I'll stay here." He says. Your brothers hesitate at first, but nod afterwards and head out.
About 45 minutes later, a doctor steps out and calls for the family of Y/n Winchester. Cas walks up immediately to hear the news.
"Is she ok?" He asks impatiently, the doctor returns a stern look.
"Well, she suffered major trauma to the head. She has a severe concussion along with a broken radius and a few broken ribs. I have to say, it's honestly a miracle she wasn't injured any further with an accident like that... She's a very strong lady." The explains. Cas nods with a sigh of relief.
"Can...I see her?" He asks the doctor. "She's not awake yet, not in a coma, thankfully... But you will be informed when she is, you may come in then, but for now we can't allow anyone inside.". Cas takes his seat and calls Dean.
"Any updates?" Dean asks hopefully. "She is not in a coma, but she got badly hurt, a few broken bones and a concussion." Cas tells him. After searching with no luck, Sam and Dean return to the hospital. You hadn't woken up yet, and the doctors finally decided that they should let the boys inside to see you.
They sit down beside your bed, Castiel holding your hand which was injected with IV's and blood pressure scanners. You had cuts across the left side of your face along with several bruises on your face and arms.
"This is all my fault...I should have gone with her..." Cas says in dismay, hanging his head low in his hands.
"Don't beat yourself up about it, angel boy, we'll find whoever did this, there is no way you could have done anything in the moment." Dean reassures him. Cas rubs small circles on your hand while pondering what he could've done to stop this.
About an hour later, the boys asleep in the chairs of your hospital room, Cas sat there waiting for you to wake up. He was staring down at the floor still holding your hand, when the fidget of your fingers catches his attention.
He looks up at you, noticing that your eyes are twitching and your head begins to move a little. You let out a whimper, still asleep. Castiel scoots his chair closer to you and slides your hair behind your ear. You tilt your head and let your cheek rest on his hand.
"Y/n..." He whispers with the chances that you might respond, which you don't. Another hour passes by when everyone in the room is startled by you sitting up quickly.
"Shit! Where am I? What time is it?" You jolt up, cause a sharp pain to blow through your body. Everyone in the room rushes by your side.
"Your at the hospital, you got in a car accident, y/n... It's about 1:30 in the morning..." Dean says to you. Your cheeks suddenly puff up as you cover your mouth and gesture for the trash can next to you bed, which you then throw up into after Sam hands it to you. He rubs your back gently.
Tears begin to form in your eyes after throwing up while holding your stomach. "I-It hurts." You struggle in pain while Dean runs to get a doctor.
"What, y/n, what hurts?" Cas asks you while moving the hair out of your face and cupping your cheeks in his hands. You point to your ribs as tears roll down your face.
"Hurry, Dean!" Sam shouts, Dean then runs in with a doctor, followed by two nurses.
The doctor first stands there. "What happened?!" He asks, Dean rolls his eyes. "If it isn't obvious doc! She woke up! She puked into the bucket and now her ribs hurt..." Dean exclaims as you look up at the doctor like a helpless little puppy. You start to feel your cheeks blow up more as you grab the trash can and throw up, this time blood.
"Prep the O.R." The doctor says, causing Sam, Dean, and Cas to all look at eachother worriedly. One nurse leaves while the other begins to unhook you all of the machines around you so they could roll your gurney to the Operation Room. The doctor sticks a needle into one of the IV's which quickly made you fall asleep.
"Hey, doc! What the hell is going on here?!" Dean asks, once again all three of them running alongside your gurney.
"I was afraid this was going to happen, I believe her broken rib may have punctured an organ, and based from her medical history has nearly happened before from a stab wound... If we don't get her to surgery now it could be fatal, I insist you all wait out here." The doctor says before running through a set of doors that the boys were not allowed to go through. They stood at the end of the hallway not knowing what to do.

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