Chapter one

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 Feet shuffled down the halls of Blue Valley high as the bell rang signalling the start for class. Students yelled out for their friends who were 3 feet away and teachers were already on their fifth cup of coffee. The start of a new school year filled the school with anxiousness and over all dread. Laughter could be heard as well as slamming lockers and new rumors of who got pregnant and who does what drug. It was all chaos on Sam Golbach hated it. He was a loner here at Blue Valley, no one talked to him and frankly no one cared. He was a shadow hiding in the dark despite his bright blonde hair and his deep blue eyes. He wanted nothing more than to be at home watching some video on the internet but instead he was making his way to his first period class of Math. 

 "Watch it Golbach." Sam looked up to see Matt Rangers, the school idiot. He had more muscle than brain and for some reason hated Sam's guts. From freshman year to now Rangers followed Sam around promising to make his life a living hell, one would think a shadow would be left alone but then again only idiots look for things in the dark, and Matt Rangers was more than an idiot, "Sorry Matt. Didn't mean to run into you." Sam faked sympathy and focused on trying to make his way around the boy. The clocks were ticking down and Sam didn't want to be late to his first class on his first day, even if it was a class as awful as Math. Anything was better than standing in an empty hallway with Rangers, "Where do you think you're going Sammy boy. First day back to school and you didn't even come find me to say hi. Don't you think that was a little rude?" Matt faked pout and laughed at his own words. 

 "Well Matt, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. Next time I'll say hi." Sam spoke quickly as he quickly walked around the boy, breaking into a light jog towards his Math class not caring that Matt was seething behind him, "Just wait Golbach, just wait. You'll be getting your proper welcome back soon." Sam only rolled his eyes at the cliched line. 

  "You're late." Sam walked awkwardly into the classroom, all eyes on him. In front stood a women who was tall and thin, with a nose as long as a beak. Her eyes were squinted and beady, and her black hair was greased back into a bun, "My name is Miss Gathers and I will be your Math teacher for this year. Take a seat boy, and don't make it a habit of being late to my class for this is your only free chance, next time you'll have a detention." Sam nodded as he made his way to the very back of the class deciding he already hated Miss Gathers. He sat next to a wide window already daydreaming about what he could be doing if he wasn't in class. Miss Gathers droned on in the front about something Sam couldn't have possibly cared about. Lost in his own littler world Sam sighed heavily letting his brain wander farther and farther away. 

"Golbach?" Miss Gather's shrill voice rang in the air as she scanned her class room. "Is Golbach here?" No students raised there hands as Miss Gather's sighed, "Last time Golbach?" Sam raised his hand quickly as the third time finally pulled him out of his head as he whimpered a sheepish, "Here." Miss Gather glared at the boy, her lips tugged into a tight frown, "Listen here boy, first you are late then you can't even pay attention in my class I should-" Miss Gather dropped her voice as she turned to face the door. In walked the vice principle and boy Sam had never seen his entire life. The boy wore the cliched leather jacket on top of a black t-shirt. His black skinny jeans had holes covering his knees and chains hung off his belt loops. His feet had on typical combat boots. His hands rested to his side with his fingers covered in different rings. His blue eyes seemed cold and calculating, his hair was brown and swept to the left side in a fringe. The whole class stared at the new kid each impressed with his style, everyone except Sam. He could read the kid like an open book, the cliched look of a cliche high school bad ass, either this kid watched too many movies or was an idiot and Sam wasn't sure which is was but either way this kid was faker than barbie. 

 "uh class we have a new student here, would you like to introduce your self and tell the class where you're from?" Miss Gather held a sickly sweet voice that didn't match her disgusting exterior making Sam want to vomit. The new kid shrugged, giving the affect he didn't care. It was an effortless thing that made Sam want to roll his eyes, "Well the name is Colby. Colby Brock and I just moved to Kansas from Colorado."  Sam's class stared amazed at their new class mate. You could tell the small school of Blue Valley wasn't use to new outsiders. Sam wanted to barf at their obvious amazement. "Well Mr. Brock why don't you sit back their next to Golbach. Golbach raise your hand." Sam raised his hand as Miss Gather pointed towards him. Sam wanted to scream so loud, even Miss Gather held a slight sweet tone as if she too were pulled into this new exotic person from Colorado. Colby walked with a light sway and a cocky smile resting on his lips. Occasionally he would send a wink towards an unsuspecting girl who would instantly bat their lashes and lean more towards him. Sam already knew he would hate this acting phony. It was like he was watching a bad sitcom on t.v. Sitting down next to Sam, Colby turned and flashed him a smirk, 

 "Golbach huh?" Even the simple question sent heat up Sam's spine. The lazy smiles and the leather jacket and the easy drawl of Colby Brock made Sam Golbach want to punch him in his face, "It's Sam." Colby only chuckled as Sam faced forward towards Miss Gather, "Feisty one eh? I really do like em' feisty especially when their as hot as you." Colby winked. Sam sat stone faced as Colby let out another chuckle and another cocky smile. 

 "Let me guess Brock. This is got to be what your sixth new school because mommy and daddy always move around? Each school you try a different persona just for shits and giggles right? So this one is your cliche hot bad ass right, the one who can make both men and women fall for them with dumb winks and corny pick up lines." Sam guessed, his own smirk making his way onto his lips. If Sam was good at anything it was reading people, usually they sat eyes wide and mouth open but Colby's smirk never once wavered, 

 "Oh you'll see Golbach. You are quite right but this persona isn't new, I have this one perfected and just wait and see. I'll have everyone of these students falling for me, male and female. You included cutie." Sam let out a low growl and Colby let out an easy laugh, "Making you fall for me will be easy considering I'm already falling for you. I have always had a thing for blonde hair and blue eyes." Colby joked as Sam sat seething in his seat. 

  It was official Sam Golbach hated Colby Brock, the new kid. 

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