Chapter 23

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  The living room felt incredibly small to Colby who felt Sam's mother's eyes on him at all times. Macy and Colby sat on one side of the couch, Ms. Golbach on the other. The mother's eyes seemed to bore into the brunettes soul, learning of every sin he had committed, damaging her son being the worst. Colby understood the protectiveness and the anger Ms. Golbach had for him, Colby imagined his mother would feel the same away if Colby was in Sam's shoes. No one talked as awkward tension filled the air, Macy focused on anything but Colby and Ms. Golbach unsure how to ease into the inevitable conversation, 

 "So, I- I am really sorry about everything I have caused but it really isn't my fault." Macy muttered, Ms. Golbach didn't even turn her way, just kept her eyes on Colby. She could read his sorrow, his anger, and his love for her son through his eyes, causing her to put down her facade of the angry mother. Both boys were hurt and she wanted to fix them. Just looking at Colby and thinking of Sam she knew they belonged together, after all they were soul mates. Everyone knew it. Ms. Golbach slowly turned to look at the girl waving her hand for her to continue, 

 "You see I was black mailed to help out your son's bully. I don't know why but I went along with it in fear of being beaten. Matt Rangers is scarily tough and I- I was afraid." Macy continued as Colby nodded along with her story. The two took turns describing how it happened, Colby tearing up at the part where Sam kicked him out. He missed the blonde desperately. It was as if Sam was the very oxygen Colby needed to breath. With out him he was dying and returning to the lifeless corpse he once was, the guy who wore leather and held no true emotions. Sam fixed him by just being near him, "So Ms. Golbach we were hoping you would talk to him for us. Get him to understand. Please." Macy asked as the mother just sighed, she knew Sam wouldn't listen to her, not about this. She shook her head sadly as the two teens deflated in front of her, 

 "Sam won't listen to me, but I think I know someone who can talk to him." Both teens had smiles stretch on there lips at the good news, "It's you Colby. He might be angry and hurt but my son he still has feelings for you. He loves you Colby and if I have learned anything growing up it is that lovers have moments where the world seems to crash down around them. Lovers may be broken, hurt, or anything else but they also come back to each other. Sam will listen because you're his other half, with out you he is nothing just as you are nothing with out him. I know you too will work this out and be together for a long time. A mother knows everything." Colby nodded along with Ms. Golbach a little nervousness swirling in his stomach, "Go Colby. Go and get him to listen." 

 Colby looked back at the two figures sitting on the couch before he ascended up the stairs to Sam's room. His mind didn't bring forth any motivational thoughts nor did his tongue feel heavy with unspoken words. Colby felt like he was going to war with no armor, he didn't know what he should say to Sam. He just knew that he needed the blonde boy in his arms. Walking in quietly Colby surveyed the blonde who laid hidden underneath his blanket breathing slightly uneven due to the amounts of crying he had been doing. Colby's heart broke as he sat on the edge of the boy's bed, 

 "Sam. Love. Can we talk?" Colby muttered as the blonde's sobs began up again, "Go away C-C-Colby." Sam choked out as Colby's heart hammered at the sound of his voice. Colby ignored Sam's whine of protests as he pulled the boy's covers off and pulled him into his arms, Sam thrashed every which way but Colby held on until the boy gave up laying in the brunette's arms breathing heavily. Colby looked at the broken boy, his blue eyes rimmed with red, his face puffy and tear stained. The brunette's heart lurched, hurt at the realization that it was his fault, all his fault Sam was this way. Silently he vowed never to let that happen again. He never wanted to see Sam shed a tear, "Listen to me please." Colby begged as he held the boy closer, the blonde refusing to look at him, "Colby I loved you. I really did but you screwed up. You only dated me for some money, I realize that. Just leave me alone. There is no need for you to rub salt in my open wound. I'm a nobody, it must of been fun dating me and then laughing about me behind my back. I guess I should be happy huh? Happy that someone finally knows who I am." Sam dead panned to tired to yell and to fight away from the boy's grip, 

 "Sam, would you just listen to Colby." Sam looked up to see Macy standing in the doorway, his eyes wide, "Or better yet listen to me, it's my fault Colby never cheated on you and probably never will. Tell him Colby." Colby nodded quickly along with Macy's words, "I would never hurt you Sam. I love you too. God have wanted to say that for so long, adore just wasn't a good enough word." Colby gushed. Sam stared at Macy his head tilted to the side a little in confusion causing Macy to let out a laugh. The petite girl slowly made her way to the couple and sat on the bed looking at the two. Even with them both hurt and angry she could see the love that resonated between the two. Once again she launched into her tale about Matt Rangers and being held against her will to do it due to gigantic fists would have beaten her, 

 "I really am sorry Sam. And just as a side note, people know who you are. We, your fellow classmates are what you called terrified assholes. Matt claimed you the outsider and we feared him and pretended not to know you existed. I can't speak for the rest of the class but I'm so sorry. I'm just glad new kid here befriended you. Everyone rooted for you, you know. You made Blue Valley believe in soul mates." Sam stared at Macy in amazement, "I-I-I"m so sorry Colby. I didn't mean to- God I am such an idiot! I, god Colby I'm so sorry. I love you." Sam rushed out stumbling over words as he pulled Colby into a hug, Macy watched with a relieved smile on her face. Ms. Golbach stood in the hallway just outside of the door way her own smile gently placed on her lips. 

   The sun and the sea were together again, there magnetic pull stronger than ever before. 

A/N: I have one more chapter planned and then I am done!!! Anyways I literally came home from my family vacation and went straight to the computer to type this update so you are welcome. I also have plenty of new Solby book ideas so keep a look out for more. I really do enjoy writing these. Question: What is your favorite animal? Mine is a sea turtle. ~Nightmare   

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