The Beginning

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My teeth ground hard against one another as I grabbed my throbbing temples. The icy cold pressure spread out all over my head and I groaned in agony.

Ugh, brain freeze.

Troye sat across from me with a smirk on his face. "I think you might be eating it too fast," He said sarcastically, taking another bite of his own sundae. I stuck my tongue out and threw a straw wrapper at him. Troye always has a sarcastic remark for everything.

"I can't help it," I said, "Mommy's starved!"

We were sitting near the back of a lively little ice cream parlor called Coldstone Creamery. I'd never been but Troye insisted I come with him to try it out. He and Tyler Oakley were staying in the area for a few weeks and I was literally ecstatic. I've liked Troye for a while. I always talk about him being my husband jokingly, but the truth is, I really was into him. He was incredibly cute, and so sweet, and his accent is to die for. But it would never work out. We live too far away, and besides he has Tyler. I doubt he'd ever think of me that way. Still, a guy could dream.


Mitch reached over to grab a napkin, and his hand brushed mine. I turned red and lowered my head so he wouldn't see. It was just a little touch! It's amazing what Mitch Grassi could do to me.

I've actually been into Mitch for a while, ever since my friend Tyler went to guest star on his YouTube channel. Ever since then, I've loved everything about him. He just seems like one of the greatest guys in the world. He's just so effortlessly perfect. I totally respect Scott, but if he doesn't take claim on Mitch, I surely will.

"What?" Mitch asked. I noticed he was blushing. I must have been staring at him too long.

"Nothing, you're just so handsome," I admitted cheekily. Mitch turned a deeper shade of red. "Am I embarrassing you?" I laughed and shoveled the rest of my sundae in my mouth.

"It's getting dark," I noted, "Papa Scott might yell at me if I bring you home too late."

Mitch and I walked out the Creamery, laughing at nothing in particular. I unlocked my car door and ran to Mitch's side to open it for him. Mitch smiled. "Well aren't you the sweetest!"

Anything for you, I thought and smiled to myself. I'm glad Mitch can't hear my inner thoughts, or else he might find out about all the times I've thought about him, the scenarios I've played in my head of him and me, the countless times I've daydreamed about this boy. I guess you could say I'm head over heels for him. I'm just testing my luck to see if he likes me too.

The ride back to Mitch's apartment was slowed due to traffic. I groaned. "Isn't there a shortcut we can take?"

"Not that I know of," Mitch said apologetically.

"That's alright. I get to spend more time with you this way," I smiled at him, then looked away. Am I pushing it too far?

"You know, you're really cute when you blush," Mitch started, "You like turn an entirely different shade and it's literally so adorable!"

I laughed. "Well thank you, kind sir. I try my best." I turned and gave him a weird double-chinned face, and he mimicked me. We rode in the car with those ridiculous looks on our faces until Mitch burst into hysterical laughter. "Look!" He said, grabbing my arm. I was supposed to be looking at the old woman in the car next to us, gawking at our unnatural faces, but instead I found myself staring at him again. I can't help it, he's just so gorgeous. His perfectly shaped eyebrows, his smooth skin, his lips. God, his lips. I could kiss them for hours upon end. I wish he would like me already so that I could...

BEEEEP! My thoughts were interrupted when the car behind us blew the horn. Oh, gosh. I had slowed down to a crawl. All because of Mitch's devastatingly good looks. I really need to ask him out before I end up killing myself.

I cleared my throat. "Mitch... There's been something I've kinda been meaning to tell you, but I'm afraid of what you'll say."

Mitch glanced up at me from his phone. "What is it? I won't take it personal, I swear. Is there something in my teeth? Is it chocolate?" He looked back down at the camera setting on his phone to examine his molars.

I laughed. "No, nothing like that. I just... It's just... Okay," I smiled bashfully and continued before I chickened out. "I've kind of admired you for a while now. Not just your good looks, but your everything. The way you carry yourself. Your gorgeous personality. Your singing. I literally am in love with everything about you. I've actually kind of been into you. I guess I'm just wondering if we could, like, hang out more maybe?"

I took in a breath. Well, it's out there now. This is it.

I finally got the nerve to glance at Mitch, and to my astonishment, he was laughing. Did he think this was a joke?

"Why are you laughing?" I tried to make it sound casual, but it came out extremely defensive.

"No, I'm not laughing at you! I'm laughing because I've literally felt the same way about you too. I just never, like, said anything about it because I didn't want to make it all awkward and... Wait, here's my complex!"

The car lurches forward as I swerved into the lot in the nick of time. I swerved into one the of the last available parking spots and leaned back in my seat. Mitch was giggling uncontrollably next to me.

"Next time, I drive," He said over fits of laughter.

"That's good," I noted.

"How is that?"

"Because that means there'll be a next time."

I hopped out the car and ran to his side again to open the door. "I could get used to this." He smirked.

We walked, shoulder to shoulder, down the narrow corridor to his apartment. When we reached his door, however, Mitch grabbed my hand before I could knock.

I looked at him with curiosity.

"Listen... I had a great time. You're not like regular guys, Troye, you know that?" I noticed that he had edged his way a bit closer to me.

"How's that?" I asked, staring once again at his penetrating brown eyes. I took our intertwined hands and pulled them closer to me, so that they were resting on my chest.

"Because you're you. I like you."

I smiled and bent my head slightly towards his. He stood on his tiptoes and pressed his forehead against mine. "I like you, too." I whispered.

Our eyes met and our lips followed suit. I had been longing for this for a long time, and now I finally had it. He's finally mine.

Mitch's mouth danced along mine, his lips like smoothen silk. I rested my hands on his hips and he reached up and pushed his fingers through my hair. I grazed my tongue on his lips, eager for entrance, and he willingly obliged. I took his bottom lip gently between my teeth and he sighed in content.

As we explored each other's mouths, a small creak came from the apartment door. Mitch broke our bliss and rolled his eyes. He stepped over to the door and swung it open, and out spilled Scott Hoying, his roommate.

"I, um... I was just trying to... I wasn't..." Scott stammered.

"We know what you were doing, Peeping Tom. Go back inside!" Mitch playfully swatted him on arm. Scott went back inside the room, his face as red as a beet.

Mitch stood in the doorway. "Thanks for taking me out. I really did have fun tonight."

"Anytime." I smiled goofily, still a bit dazed from the kiss.

"Goodnight. Oh, and Troye?"


"You're not to bad a kisser either." And with that, he smiled and shut the door.

I stood there for a moment. Mitch and I. Me and Mitch. Us. Trömíche.

I grinned. Trömíche. I liked the sound of that. I chuckled to myself and shook my head as I walked back to my car.

This was just the beginning.

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