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I sat back in the car seat and glanced back up at the complex. It's now or never, I thought. Mustering up the courage to face Travis would be a lot easier if I knew he wouldn't beat me senseless in the end.

I was just about to open the door when a loud BANG! Hit my window. I yelped and spun towards my door.

Travis was standing there, his fist still balled up, a strangely neutral look on his face. But the look of disgust was all in his eyes. I cringed and rolled the window down.

"H-hey Tra-"

"Get out the car and come on." He started back towards his flat. I became really scared. He was way too calm. I closed and locked the car and jogged to his door. I slowed down when I rounded the corner and saw he was waiting for me. What's going on? I wondered. I got to the door.

"What's going-"

"Get in the fucking house."

I clamped my mouth shut and stepped in. I heard him come in and close the door behind us. Just as I turned around, I felt a hard fist connect to my jaw.

The room swayed a bit, and I staggered backward into the wall. Blood streamed out my mouth. "Travis, what the hell?!"

"Why the fuck weren't you here at eleven?! I told you to come here at eleven!!" He seethed at me.

"What the hell are you talking about? You and I haven't talked all day." I pressed my back against the wall as he took a threatening step forward.

"Check your phone, dumbass." He hissed.

I shakily took my phone out my pocket. Sure enough, a text from Travis came at eight this nothing: Be here at eleven. Don't you dare make me wait.

Oh, God.

"Shit, Travis I'm so so-" I was cut off by his hand slapping the side of my face.

"You fucking spaz! I give you one thing to do, one fucking thing, and you can't even do that right?! Jesus Christ Mitch, you fucking retard. And where the fuck is my money?" He raged. I hurriedly grabbed the money out my back pocket and held it out to him. He slapped it away. "What the fuck is the matter with you? Were you just born dumb?! You fucking idiot." Travis pushed me back and punched me in the gut. I kneeled over and crumpled on the floor in pain. Travis leaned over me and roughly grabbed my chin. He sat me up by my chin and leaned in really close. His stale breath washed over me as he spoke.

"I don't know what the hell has gotten to you, dipshit, but you can't avoid me, or get rid of me. You need to get your shit together and fast. Understand?" He shook my face and then let me go. I fell back to the floor, gasping for air. My stomach ached. I couldn't muster the strength to stand. Travis collected the money off the floor. He shoved it in his pocket and snatched me up by my arm, half-dragging me to the door.

"You better fucking be on time next time, bitch." He growled and opened the door.

A couple walked by but barely glanced in our direction. Tears stung my face as I hobbled out the apartment, and Travis slammed the door behind me. I took a moment to try and coax my legs to work before I limped to the safety of my car and climbed in.

Cover-up works magic, I thought as I sat in the my parking lot, slathering another coating onto the visible bruises. I winced when it hit skin, but not as much as I did when Travis first started beating me.

I sighed and looked at a deep purple bruise on my forearm. That one would take a little work. I couldn't let Troye and Scott see the bruises. Especially Scott, since he had a slight idea of what Travis has been doing to me. I didn't want to cause any trouble. Travis is small, but extremely strong, and very dangerous. I can't let anyone I love get hurt too.

After a few more coatings, my body looked considerably back to normal. Good enough, I thought and stepped out the car. I grudgingly began the long journey up the flight of stairs. Reaching the door, I took a deep breath and stepped inside. Troye and Scott looked over from the couch where they were watching tv. They smiled at me.

"Hey gorgeous!!" Troye exclaimed.

"Hey Troye bear." I flashed a false smile at him.

"Hey Samantha!" Scott smirked.

I smirked back. "Hey Catherine."

I turned my back to put my stuff on the table and felt the mood in the air change right away.

Scott got up and started walking towards me. Shit, I thought. He knows.

Scott lightly put a hand around my arm. "Come talk to me outside." He mumbled, just out of Troyes' hearing and started leading me to the door.

I sighed. "Okay." I signaled to Troye we'd be right back. He nodded with a worried expression.

Once outside the door, Scott had me backed against the wall. "What'd he do?" He growled. "And don't try to lie to me because I can see the bruise on your arm." He said, touching it lightly.

I winced, and not just because of his contact. "It was nothing Scottie, honestly, I can handle it myself." I looked down and crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping Scott couldn't see the guilt burning on my face.

"Stop." He tilted my head up, forcing me to stare into his ocean eyes. "Talk to me Mitch, please. I know there's something going on. I just want to help, that old bastard never seemed right to me."

I pulled his hand away, "Scott really, it's fine. Please." I stepped back inside.


Goddammit Mitch, I thought as I pressed my back to the wall. I know something's going on, I know it. Mitch has gone through bucketloads of concealer, and he shuts down whenever I even mention Travis.

That creepy old bastard. I didn't like him the moment Mitch brought him home. I know I sound like an overprotective father, but Mitch is like my sister. I can't bear to see him getting torn apart by some guy that doesn't even look like he's worth a shit. And Troye. He's such a sweet guy, but Mitch sees him only as a temporary distraction. Oh god. I can see where this is going. Travis is the only obstacle in Mitch's life. Though he beats him and treats him like the floor he walks on, Mitch would give an arm and a leg to please him, even if they aren't together anymore. Guys like Troye come along and pour their heart out to him, and it only goes so far as the back of his mind. Travis has brainwashed him, he has Mitch to the point of never being able to experience true love again.

I went back in the apartment for only a second, grabbing my keys.

I was determined to let Mitch have his happiness this time.

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