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"Hey Patrick," Spongebob Squarepants whispered on tv. "You know what's funnier than 24?"

"What is it?" Patrick whispered back.

"25!" I mouthed with Spongebob as he and Patrick tittered at the ridiculous joke. It reminded me of all the times Travis and I sat here and watched rerun after rerun, but I pushed that to the back of my mind.

"I honestly think you pay more attention to Spongebob than you do to me," Troye playfully huffed. His head was resting on my lap. "Don't worry, you're far cuter than Spongebob," I flirted and stroked his hair. After a few moments of silence (save the tv), Troye randomly asked, "What type of music do you listen to?" Before I responded, he said, "And don't say something basic."

"Something what?"

"Something basic. You know, the top 100 hits, the ones that play on the radio all the time. What do you really listen to?"

I thought for a moment. "Um... I like electronic music?" I said lamely. Idiot, I grumbled in my head. Troye turned over. "Okay, you're getting somewhere. Now, who's your favorite electronic artist?" He was looking at me with those huge brown eyes.

"Um... I don't really know! There's a lot." I looked at him sheepishly.

"Same!" Troye teased, laughing. I rolled my eyes as the front door opened and Scott walked into the room, carrying three Starbucks cups. He looked at Troye. "I didn't really know what kind you'd want, so I just got a Java Chip. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's great. Thank you!" Troye took the drink from Scott's hand. Scott handed me my regular. "Here you go, my queen."

"Thanks babe." I grinned at him and took a sip, letting the warm liquid run down my throat.


I looked up at Mitchie drinking his coffee, his eyes glued to the tv. God, he was gorgeous. My head went wild with smutty thoughts of him. If only he knew what he did to me. I reached up and gently brushed his cheek. He looked down at me, confusion in his eyes. "Sorry, you're just so fucking gorgeous." I turned the color of a fire hydrant. Flirting really has never been my forte. Mitch blushed and looked away. You weirdo, I thought. What kind of move was that? I'm pretty sure I just ruined the moment, if there even was one.

"I... Um... Sorry. I didn't-" I stammered.

"No, uh... It's fine." Mitch blushed again and bit his bottom lip. God, he was both adorable and incredibly sexy at the same time. I could have pushed him over and made love to him right then and there. If only... I thought, and smiled in content.

"What?" Mitch was looking down at me again, and I realized I must have been staring.

"Nothing, just thinking about how ridiculously amazing you look." I replied with a smirk. That was smooth, I applauded to myself.

Mitch giggled and blushed again.

I smiled at him. "What is it with all the blushing, Mitchie?" I laughed at the crimson shade he was sporting.

"I don't know! You're just always being so sweet, and I guess I'm not used to it. I'm not used I being with guys that actually give a damn about me." He tried to laugh it off awkwardly, but the way his eyes darkened for a second gave him away. There was a story behind this.

"What do you mean? Who could possibly not care about you?"

Mitch sighed and sat back. "It was this guy I used to date, Travis." I nodded, remembering the guy from Mitch's Instagram page.

"Things went so well, for a minute anyway. Then one day he tried to pressure me to.. You know... Have sex with him. I didn't of course, and afterwards he got so mad. Later, he started drinking compulsively, way more than usual, then he'd come back and-" he choked up and closed his eyes. A few tears slid down his cheeks.

Poor Mitchie.

I rubbed his hands. "I'm so sorry, Mitch. Damn, he sounds like a total douche."

"But he wasn't!" Mitch defended. "At least, not before he started drinking so much. He used to be so sweet." He sat back again and stared off into space. "So sweet." He murmured.

Sheesh. This Travis dick did a toll on Mitch. I felt awful for him, and I know I should have been thinking if ways to make him feel better, but all that came to mind was: Would that mean he's not looking for another relationship? He's been torn to shreds by this one. But we practically ate each other's faces last night. There's no denying he at least tolerates me. I felt a surge of confidence. I think I can help him heal, I told myself. And show him it's okay to fall in love again.


Troye had his hand in mine. The gesture was so sweet and innocent, and his hand was extremely soft. I decided to leave it there. But my mind had other things to think about. My rent is due for Travis, since I technically still own half the flat we bought together, back when we were a happy couple. Which meant I would have to take it over there. I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Troye looked up at me with his big blue-gray eyes with honest concern. God, he was so caring. It's ridiculous he's wasting his time on me. Travis said so himself, I'm only a disappointment. Just like I was when I was with Travis. I kept all that in my head and played with Troye's hair again.

"Listen... I just remembered I have to go to Travis' house to do something."

He sat up. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, no." I said quickly and stood up, Troye's head falling off my lap in the process. "It'll only take a few minutes. You just stay here and look handsome." I made my best attempt at winking, which turned into a huge fail. Troye laughed at me and smacked my butt.


"What? You have a nice ass." He winked and I blushed profoundly. He grinned. "See? THAT was a real wink!"

"Get over yourself!" I laughed and grabbed my keys off the counter. "I'll be back, just stay here." I warned to him. I quickly let Scott know where I was going, and before he could protest, I slipped out the door.

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