Untitled Part 1

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No one really knows me. They know my name. They know I go to school with them. They watch me as I walk through the halls. Each staring at me with such disgust. They don't know me. But they wish they did They wish they knew the truth about what happened on that night. The Saturday night my best friend went missing. people blame it on me. people say she was killed and it was my fault. Her body has yet to be found yet. But they still blame me. They blame me for her suicide note. So as I walk through these halls. These wretched halls of the high school I so dearly hate. I feel so what would I call it? I don't feel at peace with the world. Im not happy with what happened. I just feel so alone. Alone. No one talks to me. Not even the teachers. They just stare at me. So here we are. Im now at my locker. wishing someone would just push me into it so hard I go into a coma. Because sometimes with worst feeling in the world is being alone. Alone. Because no one cares. act like they do but they don't. They act like they know the truth about what happened to my best friend. Honestly. Im so done with the world. So done with the lies. So done with the blame. So done with the guilt. It wasn't me. I didn't do this to her. Like I said. There is no body. No evidence. just a ghost trail and no one to blame but me. I was there. On that warm summer Saturday night. But the secret that I have to hide . Is so deep. So dark. That sometimes those types of secrets cant be hidden forever.

"Taylor" I heard someone say my name as i was walking home from school. I turned around it was Eden. Eden was an old friend. We grew up together and grew apart from each other. "Hey.." I said taking in his new jock look. He had gotten taller. He was also on the football team this year. "Can i walk with you?" He asked. Since he lived right next to me. "You sure you  want to be seen with the schools next Hitler?" I asked. He gave a small smile, "I dont know who made up those rumors Tay. But no. i dont mind." I started walking ,"Suit yourself Mr. Ryland" He kept in pace with me, "Are you gonna come to the football game tomorrow?" Tomorrow was Friday. I ddint go to school all week. School started on Monday. But my Dad let me stay home till i was ready to go back. Maybe i should of waited a few more days.  "Uh..No." I said fidgeting with a string on my shirt. he nudged my shoulder, "Come on Tay. like old times. its my first football game of the season."  I sighed as we got to my house, "Eden. You know the whole school hates me. I cant go." I walked up the stairs to my front door and looked back at him. His eyes were sad yet understanding, "I miss you Taylor." I sighed, "I miss you too. But youve got a reputation to keep at school and hanging out with me isnt going to help it." I opened my front door and walked in closing it quickly behind me. Dad was in the kitchen, "hey honey. How was school?" i sat my bag down on the counter and went to the fridge for a snack, "Hmm. Lets see. Everyone stared at me. The teachers wouldnt talk to me." I found some grapes , "Eden invited me to the football game on Friday, but of course i had to turn him down because everyone think im a killer and i cant stay out past eight pm" Dad sighed, "I sorry honey. We will work this out." I sat at the table, "Do i have to go to school tomorrow?" He looked up at me, his blue eyes wandering my face, "Im not going to force you. But you only have one year left." I was about to answer when there was a knock on the front door. I got up and answered it. There was a cop on the porch, "Is Mr King home?" I nodded, "Yeah he is. Why do you need him?" "Ive got a warrant out for his arrest." The officer held up a piece of paper. I frowned what had my dad done?  Two more officers came into the house. And Dad came out of the kitchen. "Dad. Whats going on?" I asked. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can be used against you in the act of court." one of the officers said. I watched them as they put my dad in the car. I didnt honestly know what was happening. "Mama. We are taking your father in for questioning on the disappearance of Katie James." Officer Knight said. Katie James was my best friend. "What does he have to do with her?" I asked. "We got some calls saying that they had seen him with her the night she went missing." He opened the front door, "I wish i could tell you more. But thats against protocol. I will have someone call you as soon as we have more information." I nodded a thanks as he walked out. So There is stood. In my living room. All that i had. was just taken from me. My mom when i was 16. My best friend a week ago. and Now my dad.

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