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{small visual character descriptions on my IG: uniqueboys...}

\\Also, I was going to wait a month to update, but I couldn't have you guys waiting for that long aha! I think a week is enough waiting:) and I've been bored whenever I'm not working bc I usually read over your comments which are hilarious sometimes lol, but enjoy this first chapter of Quiet 2!//

"Oh my god," I gasp when the hairdresser turns my chair around. "I can't believe you convinced me to do this." I look at Niall in the mirror.

"Sorry, do you not like it?" the hairdresser asks, looking disappointed.

"I think it looks great." Niall shrugs. "You said you needed a fresh, new you before college."

"Yeah, I mean, I'm used to my long hair." I say, running my hand through my now short hair. The length was now to my neck and it was definitely something new from years of long hair. "You did a good job." I assure the hairdresser.

We finish up at the salon and went out for lunch. It has been much sunnier than the last time I came to California, so there was a lot more to do. We've been hanging out almost every day since I got here. Tonight is the night I'm heading back to my home town.

"Are you excited?" Niall asks, sipping on his drink. "About starting college– because let me tell you, I had a great time my first couple of years then it was all getting serious."

We talk about college and what I would do in the future. We moved on from my life to Niall's. I felt bad because he expressed how lonely he was here. His job is the only reason he stays. He's tried transferring to New York where Louis lives, but they declined his offer.

Throughout the rest of the day, we did some things we hadn't got the chance to do. Niall seemed so happy until it was time for our goodbye. He drove me and my dad to the airport. I promised to try and come back whenever I could which brightened his mood a bit.

"Are you sure you don't want to move to California? You do have a friend here now." my dad asks, buckling his seatbelt before takeoff.

"Dad, I'm already set for Pennbrook." I giggle. "You don't want me to delay on school, do you?"

The lecture he's given me about school many times before made its way back. It was five hours of my dad talking. There was an hour break when he fell asleep, but he woke up to talk even more. I just gave short answers and small nods to make it seem like I was listening. Some of the topics were a bit uncomfortable. He tried talking to me about the college boys and what they actually want.

The plane finally lands and we stroll through the airport until we find Alec. It was five in the morning and I was drained. I just wanted to get home to my bed and knock out. Alec just dropped the both of us at our apartment because he had to head out to work.


I wake up at around three in the afternoon to the smell of food. I shuffle out of my dark room to the bright area where my dad stood in the kitchen. Monique pops out from behind me and squeals.

"You're back!" she hugs me tightly. "Thank god because starting Monday, you're taking over those girls. They literally can't take me seriously."

"Maybe because they've seen how wrecked you were at graduation party." I laugh, starting to eat the plate my dad set for me. "Yeah, Kourtney told me everything. I'm just curious as to why you chose Danny again out of everyone on that team. Even Leslie chose a good one."

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