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"Your dad is coming back tomorrow?" Niall asks. I watch him on the screen of my phone as he shuffles around his apartment. "Oh, but I'm going to miss hanging out with my bud." he pouts, sitting down then shows Presley on the phone.

"I miss Presley so much." I say, looking at Presley in awe. "I should've just brought him home with me if I knew my dad would come back for so long. I left Presley with him because I thought he could use his company."

"No it's cool," Niall assures me. "I love having his company. Presley is a really chill dog."

"That's why I love him." I laugh. Someone knocks on the door and I jump up from my bed to answer it. Asher appears with a big smile, so I pull him into a hug and kiss him. "Hey Niall, I'll call you back later if I can or just text."

We hang up and I follow Asher, sitting by his side on the futon. "So I brought the popcorn and the movie you requested."

"I thought you said you'd be busy today?"

"Yeah well, I thought I'd make time for my girlfriend." he wriggles his eyebrows then leans in to kiss me.

Almost two months had already passed since we started dating and we made this official about two weeks ago. I honestly didn't think it would last because it usually never does, but he stuck around no matter what. The gesture he did to make it official was super cute and I couldn't have just said no. Plus, I really like him so saying no would've just been dumb of me.

"Well, that's so sweet of you." I peck his lips once more. "I know how busy your schedule is, so I would've understood if you didn't come at all."

"It's no problem. I got all my studying done." he tells me. "Just a few more little things I have to do, but it'll be fine."

Asher and I start the movie. Halfway through, I get a couple texts from Harry then he calls me. I hesitantly get up and Asher expectantly questions me. I tell a little white lie which he believes, so I exit onto the fire escape answering the phone call. I rub my arms from the cold weather of fall while he talked.

"Did I leave my binder there?" he immediately asks. "I need it as soon as possible because there are important documents in there."

I peek through the window, seeing a big binder on the dining table. "Yeah, but I'm with Asher and we're-"

"I'll come and get it then." Harry says and I could hear him shuffling around on the other side.

"No Harry," I stop him. "Tonight is kind of a date night that we can barely have due to his busy schedule and my own."

"I need that binder, Rylee."

"Okay," I groan. "I'll bring it to you later. We're halfway through the movie, so I'll bring it to you when we're done."

"Why can't I just come pick it up?"

"Harry please," I roll my eyes even though he couldn't see me. "Just wait for me to bring t to you, please." I beg.

"Fine, but don't come too late." he gives in.

I hang up the phone, going back inside to join Asher again. We sit on the futon while the movie played on the laptop. I couldn't stop glancing at the binder and thinking of Harry the entire time. Asher starts falling asleep toward the end, so we move to the bed. I watch him slowly fall asleep then silently moved from his side once I made sure he was fast asleep. I gathered everything I needed, leaving Asher alone in the loft.

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