Chapter One

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Late at Night August 23rd

Ten years later, Tria sat crouched on a roof across from Izzy who sat on her own roof. They were currently hunting down a demon that had a fetish for mundane blood. Tria slowly stood up and started walking across the roof following the demon which just shape shifted into a hot girl in a pink dress. Tria pulls out her stele and the right edge of her shirt before running it over the agility rune. Approaching a high wall leading to another roof, she jumps up easily making the landing. She then walks over and takes a stand next to Alec on a high walkway above downtown.

"Ready, Warlock?" Alec asks her and she just shakes her head laughing.

"When are you going to stop calling me that?" She asks him. "And what happened to Kitty?"

"When you no longer are a warlock," He says. "You grew out of it."

"Racist much?" She asks rhetorically. He just smirks and all four of them take a few steps backward before back flipping off the walkway and onto the ground. They were all glamorized so no mundane could see them.

Tria and Izzy make it inside the club Pandemonium before the boys and weave their way through the crowd. As they approached the back, Tria caught sight of her guardian Magnus, who she still called dad. Everything slows down for a second and she catches his eyes. He raises an eyebrow at her, but she just winks to him before continuing through the club. Pushing back the curtain she takes a few steps in after Izzy and the boys soon follow.

"Izzy, Tria," Jace says and the two girls nod. They part ways and Tria takes up a platform at one end of the room while Izzy was on the other. Both girls start to sway their hips to the music and attract a crowd of demons.

When she got a crowd, Tria turned around to show them her bare back and she snaps her fingers. The purple magic falls over where her wings were and they appear out of thin air. It was a simple glamour charm to hide them from mundane eyes. She gets a whistle from a few wolves in her crowd and she turns around smiling to them.

That's when she spots this red haired girl walk in. Her head turns to look at Tria and her eyes widen. Tria just continues to dance ignoring the weird look. Then the glow of a seraph blade catches the eye of the brunette. Now it was time for the fun to start.

"Watch out!" Carrot Top shouts and Tria inwardly groans.

What did this girl think she was doing? Tria asks herself. Carrot pushes the demon away from Jace and just as the other demons around her were about to attack the Shadowhunters, Tria lets the magic ooze from her hands. As Alec and Izzy were holding their own and Jace was going up against about three demons, Tria kept Carrot Top safe. It was obvious that she could hold her own against downworlders. Every demon that came towards them she blasted them, sending them back to hell. The fight was over just as quickly as it started. Tria watched as Carrot Top ran out of the back room pushing through the crowd. Before she could run after her, Jace grabs her elbow.

"Let her go," he tells the young girl. "I'll find her later."

"Why do you always get to play the hero?" Tria asks him. Carrot Top looked so familiar; she wanted to know who she was.

"He's got the hero hair," Alec says throwing an arm over Jace's shoulders. "Put your wings away before..."

"What? Clementine, before what?" Tria interrupts him. "Before someone important sees me? I'm sorry, but does it look like I care about prying eyes."

"He was going to say," A voice behind her speaks up and Tria inwardly groans before turning around to look at her guardian. "Before I find out."

"Magnus!" Tria exclaims and snaps her fingers to put the glamour over her wings. Her friends didn't know he was her dad, only that he was her guardian. "What a surprise to see you here."

"This is my club," He says simply. "Now come on, you're grounded for the rest of the night."

"What..." He puts a finger to her lips shutting her up.

"You know the rules my sweet truffle," He tells her and pulls his finger away. "No showing your Warlock mark. Not unless it is absolutely necessary."

"And what if it was?" She argues. "There were probably twelve demons against four Shadowhunters. They had us outnumbered."

"You and I both know you have fought more demons singlehandedly before," Magnus says. "Now go upstairs and portal home."

Tria just groans and pushes past him. She weaves through the crowd and up the spiral staircase to the second floor where she portaled to her and Magnus' lair. She lets out a frustrated scream before walking off to her room. There she undresses and sets up a bath, she needed to relax. Magnus was her father figure, yes, but usually he was more of a best friend, but he also sometimes went into dad mode.

Standing in front of the mirror she stares at her bare yet heavily runed body. On the back of her neck was her Angelic Power rune, on her right shoulder was awareness, and on the other was a blocking rune. On her left collarbone was nourishment and on her bicep was stamina while on her forearm was precision and heightened speed. On her right bicep was soundless and on her tricep was strength. On her forearm was equilibrium and on her inner wrist was foresight. On her right hip was agility and on her left rib was flexibility. She only had thirteen total and she knew she was bound to get more. She didn't have a healing rune like almost everyone else, because she never needed one.

She climbs into the bath and sinks into the water. The tub was large, like unnaturally large so she sank further until only her head was above water. The ends of her hair just barely touching the water from how short it was.

This was the way she ended some of her nights, with a nice hot bath. Most nights it was get a mission, execute the mission then go home. Every night was the same, but sometimes she did get to train with Hodge and her friends instead of going on a mission. But now, now was the time to relax and let go.

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