Chapter Four

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Late at Night August 29th

Tria was awoken by the one familiar sound to her, the sound of a seraph blade moving through the air. Her eyes open wide just in time to see the seraph blade slicing through the air ready to take off her head. Her hands shoot up and grab the seraph blade burning her palms in the process. She cries out in pain before kicking her legs up and into her attacker's knees. The man falls to the ground and Tria sees the circle rune on his neck.

"Stupid hybrid," He seethes through his teeth.

"Not stupid," Tria tells him. She punches him in the nose and in some swift movement, she snaps the heel off of her shoe and jabs it into his neck, right where the circle rune was. "But I'm damn straight a hybrid."

The man falls to the ground and starts to bleed out all over her hardwood floors and Tria takes a seat on her bed. She kicks off her heels and runs out of the room, grabbing a wooden staff on the way. It stinged to hold in her hands, but she bared through it. If the lair was being breached she needed a weapon and right now it didn't matter about her hurt hands.

She tentatively steps over a broken vase, but still pierces her foot with a glass shard. As she is winces a Circle member runs over to her wielding a glowing seraph blade. The two duel it off and in the end Tria gets a cut on her cheek and she jabs the staff through the Circle member's chest. He and the staff fall to the ground, dead. Tria runs through the hallway and into the living room to see Magnus and Alec standing there.

"Dad," Tria says and the two boys turn around. Alec looked confused and for a second she didn't know why, then she remembered she just called Magnus dad in front of them. She stumbles towards them and Alec immediately grabs her before she falls.

"I thought you would still be asleep," Magnus says and walks over to the two.

"It's kinda hard to sleep when a seraph blade is dangling above your neck," Tria chuckles. She holds out her hands to him and Magnus takes hold of them. "The only way to keep him from killing me was grabbing the blade, and as you can tell, seraph blades have a burning affect on me."

"Here," Alec pulls out his stele and goes to draw the healing rune, but Tria pulls away.

"No, Magnus can heel me," Tria says and turns to him. "The only time I will ever have a healing rune is when I'm dying, Clementine."

Alec just nods and puts away his stele. Magnus does his thing healing her hands and foot.

"Why didn't you heel this?" She points to her left cheekbone where a deep cut was.

"Because," Magnus flourishes his hands. "It'll give you character when it scars over."

"I'm immortal," Tria points out. "It's going to be there a long time."

"Like I said," Magnus smiles to her. "Character."


Magnus had just relocated the lair to downtown Brooklyn and was admiring the view. Tria sat on the wood steps and kept looking over her hands. There weren't any physical markings, but she still felt a stinging sensation in her fingers and palms.

"Ugh, it's inevitable," Magnus says and the girl looks up to see his face disgusted. "After each move, I get the itch to redecorate. Normally I love a dirty lair, but this one is just sloppy." He looks around for a second before strutting over to Izzy carrying the necklace. "I believe payment for services rendered. Thank you for defending the warlocks and my... my sweet truffle, Tria."

"I couldn't," Izzy says as Magnus puts the necklace around girl's neck.

"Oh, but you could," Magnus says. "And you should. The Lightwoods have been wearing this for years. Besides, this would look silly on your brother." Both chuckle and Tria shakes her head. "About Alec, is he more of a flower or cologne man?"

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