We'll never be alone...

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A/N First of all thank you for 6k reads. I can't believe it <3

This one shot is again based on a song ("Never Be Alone" by Shawn Mendes). The video is actually from the concert in Hamburg, Germany (I was there) and is in my opinion breathtaking. So you can listen to it while reading (My fav part begeins at 5:00) :)

This one shot is in 3rd P.O.V. I tried something new :)


I promise that one day I'll be around
I'll keep you safe
I'll keep you sound

Since James quit dance and decided to focus completely on his band, he and Riley don't seem to spend much time together. It kills her. She wants him to be happy, to do what he loves, but at the same time, she wishes that James could be with her. Even though the young couple shares an apartment they don't see each other very often. Riley leaves the house at around 7 am and comes home at around 7 pm. James on the other hand usually sleeps 'till 12 and then leaves the apartment not returning until 2 in the morning. At first, Riley didn't care, because space can be a good thing for a couple at such a young age. But now she feels like she's slowly losing him. It seems like he doesn't care for her anymore. She suffers. She hurts. But she still loves him and would never leave him. And she knows that someday everything will be okay and that their life together will be the life she always dreamed of.

Right now it's pretty crazy
And I don't know how to stop
Or slow it down

James feels terrible. He isn't able to manage his work and his girlfriend, what kind of a boyfriend is he? Every time he comes home and sees Riley laying in their bed, he wishes that he could wake her up and talk to her because he knows that is exactly what she needs. James promised her, that he would always be there for her, no matter what, and now he is failing. The person that means most to him is slowly drifting away and he can't seem to control it. He lost faith and that kills him. It kills him that he has no control over his life, that it is so messy. Whenever he leaves the apartment to go meet up with the band he has this weird feeling. On the one hand, he loves working with the band, writing songs and all that. But on the other hand, he knows that it is another day without Riley. It seems like nothing is working out for him. The band has reached literally nothing and seems to slowly fall apart. And him and Riley have never been further away from each other.

I know there are some things we need to talk about
And I can't stay
Just let me hold you for a little longer now

Today is one of those days where the couple is able to spend a little time together. Riley doesn't have to go to the studio and James decided to spend at least 2 hours with her.
As James wakes up he recognizes this familiar feeling of emptiness. He looks to his right and sees an empty space. He got used to this view by now, but it usually still hurts him every time. Today is different because he knows that Riley hasn't left to go to the studio. He stands up and leaves the bedroom to go the living room. There she is sitting on the couch curled up in a ball watching Netflix. James smiles to himself and makes his way to the couch. He sits down next to her and Riley looks up and smiles back at him. "Good Morning" she whispers. "Good Morning princess" he answers kissing her forehead softly. "What are you watching?" he asks. "Pretty Little Liars" she tells him. "Again?" he chuckles. Riley nods and focuses back on the TV. James gets closer to her and embraces his girlfriend in a hug. The couple stays like this for quite a while. "I missed you" the boy suddenly admits. "I missed you too". They both smile at each other before leaning in. They share a sweet passionate kiss, a kiss they wanted for so long.
The two spent the morning together, barely talking. The atmosphere between the couple is odd. They used to talk about everything and now it seems like they can't talk anymore.
As it turns 1 pm James stands up to get changed to go to band practice. Riley looks after him and sighs. Why is this happening? Why does drama keep following them?
"Riles? I gotta go" he shouts while opening the front door. "Wait!" Riley shouts back and James stops at the door. "Can we talk?" she asks unsure. "Now?" She nods. "I would love to, but you know I can't." James tells her frustrated. "Yeah nevermind. Have fun" she says back and goes back into their living room.
James stays at their door and is unsure about what he should do. He knows that he needs her, but what about the band? He takes his phone out of his pocket and texts Luke 'Bro, can't make it today. I feel sick!' he sends the message and locks his phone.
Riley sits on the couch staring at the Tv, but not really knowing what is going on. She hears the door shut and sighs, he's gone. Again.
"Let's talk" she jumps a bit as she hears her boyfriends voice, but smiles at the thought of him ditching the band just to talk to her.

Take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart
You'll never be alone

James sits next to her and rests his hand on her thigh. "I am listening".
Riley takes a deep breath to prepare herself for what she is about to ask him.
"Do you think that all this is working out?"

"What do you mean?" James asks a bit confused.
"You and Me? We never see each other."

"I know it is tough, but I love you and I don't wanna lose you, even though it feels like I already did."
"What!? No James, stop telling you that. You haven't lost me and you never will, but I don't know if it is the same between us anymore."
"It isn't, but is that bad?" The couple looks at each other, both feeling scared of what might happen.
"I just don't know what to feel anymore. We barely spent time together and when we do we don't talk. I sometimes feel left alone."

"I am sorry, Riles. I really am. But I don't know how to handle life right now. It is just all too much for me. Nothing is working out and it is my fault. But Riley please remember that whatever happens, you will always be the first priority in my life. Even if we can't be together right now, you will always be in my heart and nothing is going to change that. Promise me that you will always rememb..."
He gets interrupted by Rileys lips on his. He kisses back and for once everything seems alright.

When you miss me close your eyes
I may be far but never gone
When you fall asleep tonight
Just remember that we lay under the same stars

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Stop blaming yourself for everything that happens to us. You can't control life, I know you really want to sometimes, but you have accept things. I don't know what life has planned for us if we stay together or not. But I know for sure that you will always be the person I will hold on to as long as I can." Riley tells him while grabbing his hands.
"But what if..."
"No stop it, James. Do you trust me?"
He nods.
"Then believe me that this damn stupid universe has something good in store for everyone and I know that you are this 'good' thing that I got, and I will always love you. We'll never be alone, James. I promise"

A/N I know this is really bad ^^

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