4:A New Home

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Katelyn and Travis where moving in.
Katelyn's pov
"Hey Travis want to go to T.J.I Fridays!" Travis replied yes. She got in his car and drove to T.J.I Fridays. When they got there we were seated at a booth and we ordered.

"I think I'll have the sliders and fries." I said "And I'll have the sliders as well." Travis said. As we were waiting for our food to arrive we chated and I was waiting for the right time to tell Travis. Our food came and I stole a couple of his fries, whined a little but it was alright.
Travis's pov
Katelyn said she has a surprise for me and I can't wait to hear or see what it is.  I was so lost in thought that I didn't realise that food came. Katelyn snapped me out of  my thoughts and my sliders were right in front of me. I told Katelyn that I would she refused but then I insisted and then she told me that she ia going to tell me the secret. "Travis what do you think about having a child?" She asked. "I don't know whatever you think of having one, but I would love to have a child." I exclaimed. Then she said this "Well we are going to have a baby girl!!! Surprise!!!" I spit ou water with and surprised face. "WHATTT!!!" I yelled and then everyone started to stare at us we told them to go back to eating.

(Sorry for the missed updates. Iv'e been busy and hanging out with my btw she is like the only person I could really trust having around. She just doesn't feel like a cousin she also feels like the best friend or sister i never had but she still is related to me and thats the best part!!! Bye bye my little galaxy kittens!)

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