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  The three of us made our way through the crowded club. The environment of the place seemed as realistic as you would see it in the movies; loud blaring music that rattled your bones, a dimmed room and with hot bodies dancing close together and everyone just having a good time. I didn't think many people were drunk. Besides, if you wanted a beer you had to show ID to the bartenders here, and most of the people here looked about our age, not twenty one. But I bet that there were still a few drinks going around among the younger people, not that anyone really cared. It was time to have fun. 

We all decided to sit down in the corner of the room, which was about fifteen feet away from the dance floor where the majority of the people were at. Matt and Nash's eyes were flickering around the whole room, examining everything and everyone. They looked nervous for some reason.

"I'm guessing you've never been to a club before?" I asked them. 

"Nah," Matt shrugged, trying to look casual as a group of barely clothed girls walked by, their eyes hovering over Matt and Nash momentarily. I watched as Matt and Nash shifted in their seats as their eyes got lower. Boys will be boys. 

I snapped my fingers at them and they both turned their heads, "I can see drool dripping from the corners of your mouths, be cool guys."

A waiter, a very cute waiter I might add, came over to our table and took orders for food and drinks. I wasn't that hungry and only had fries and a soda while Matt and Nash dug into delicious burgers, french fries and two root beers. I was done eating way before them, and I groaned impatiently as they sipped on their drinks, finished their food and scrolled through their Twitters.  

"Do I have to dance alone?" I asked them.They only looked up at me momentarily before retreating back to their phones. I sighed, "You guys are no fun!" 

Matt sighed and slipped his phone into his pocket, "I can't even dance." 

"Neither can half the people out there that are!" I argued, pulling on both of their arms, urging them to get up. "Let's go and have some fun." Finally they both stood up and we walked over to the dance floor. "Don't wander off, just a warning." I told them and we approached the floor just as one of my favorite songs came on. I smiled in satisfaction as Talk Dirty To Me blared through the speakers, making everyone howl and whistle as we all began dancing to the beat. 

It was so crowded on the dance floor and I didn't know who I was dancing with or who had their warm hands on my hips as we danced on each other to the beat, but suddenly I felt the hands leave my body and I turned around to find Matt standing behind me. I raised an eyebrow, "What did you just-" 

"I'm not letting anyone else touch you," He said, and I almost didn't hear him because the music was so loud. 

My heart skipped a beat at his words. "You sure you just don't wanna dance with me, Matthew?" I looked at him with taunting eyes. 

He rolled his eyes, "Just shut up and dance." And so we did. 

And I didn't understand how Matt had said earlier that he didn't even know how to dance, because he held my body close to his and I could feel his wild heart beat from his chest as it pounding against my back and as our bodies danced so close together I could think of no better way to spend this first night in San Francisco. Goosebumps danced along my skin as the tips of his fingers slipped up the bottom of my shirt just a little bit, tracing patterns with his thumbs on my hip bones. He let his lips settle in the crook of my neck and my eyes closed momentarily. He kissed me just below my ear and I thought I was going to loose it.

"You don't seem so innocent right now," I whispered to him. 

"You think I'm innocent?" He asked.

I chuckled, "Yeah, a little bit." 

"Well maybe I'm changing." He shrugged. 

"You don't wanna get caught up in me," I said to him. "I'm a mess."

He laughed, "You're a beautiful mess." 

My cheeks heated up with every word he said, and I didn't know what he was doing to me or why I was acting the way I was, but something about him made my heart flutter and my stomach flip flop a million miles per hour. And I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not. 

I heavily sighed as the song ended and I slowly tore myself away from Matt, but he didn't let go of my hand. Another popular song blared through the speakers and just as I was about to start dancing once again, Matt's eyes shot open in alarm, "Where's Nash?!" 

"I bet he's trying to get laid," He mumbled under his breath.

I groaned, "My dad will kill me if I come back to the hotel without Nash, who knows where he's at." 

"I guess we better go find him," I said, unhappy that we had to quit dancing, but I didn't want to loose Nash. 

We made our way back to the table where we'd eaten and he wasn't there. My eyes scanned over the room and it seemed hopeless to try and find him in such a vast space with too many moving bodies and neon and strobe lights blinding me in every direction I looked. 

"I'll just call him," Matt said taking out his phone. 

"He probably won't even hear his phone." I said, and I was right because after Matt called three times with no luck I sat down on a chair and heaved another sigh. 


"Sorry guys, but I really gotta go." I told them carefully, turning away from the three muscular tattooed men standing in front of me and trying to head back into the club where I was before they dragged me out here into the back parking lot. It was creepy out here and the longer I stayed out here with these three intimidating strangers the more I wanted to run away as fast as I could. 

The tallest of the men stepped in front of me, his grey eyes narrowing, "I don't think so. You're not going anywhere til you help us find our guy." 

With a shaky breath I took a step away, "I have no idea who you're talking about! I don't know anyone named Ned Troabblro, okay? Just please leave me alone." Angry, cold and frustrated once again I tried to get past the guy but he grabbed me by the front of my shirt with one hand, nearly lifting me off the ground. His other hand was clenched into a fist and before I could even close my eyes his fist collided with my face. I yelped in pain and cringed as he jabbed me in the stomach, pain racing through my body at a million miles per hour. 

He let me fall to the ground and threw a kick at my back. I huddled into a ball and cried out in pain as he hit me once again. The gravel underneath me scraped my skin and I felt like I was going to pass out. Were they going to kill me? 

"Please stop!" I croaked out, my throat felt like sandpaper. "I don't know who you're talking about!" 

The man ceased his kicks, but my paid didn't stop. "Fine, don't tell us." He said in a cold voice. "We'll be around. Don't let your guard down."

The sound of their motorcycle engines retreating made me sigh in relief. My head was spinning slowly, everything was getting blurry. With shaking fingers I texted Matt: I'm outside in the back parking lot, help 

Before my world became pitch black. 

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