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       I stared at my dad, my mouth falling open slightly. There was no way I could take Matt and Nash with me. Who knows what they'd tell my dad if I took them with me? I didn't plan on having a play date with them in the park. . .and besides they looked too innocent

"Shut your mouth, you might catch flies." Matt retorted, causing me to purse my lips together harshly and send him a small glare. 

"I can't take them with me, they'll be all weird." I said quickly. 

"Take them with you or you can't go." My father said sternly.

I huffed, "Fine. Let's go." I stalked out of the hotel, not even bothering to wait up for Nash and Matt as they quickly trailed after me. I had exactly two hundred dollars in my wallet, a half charged phone and I couldn't feel any better as I hurried down the busy streets of San Francisco. It was nearing dark and I wished I had my jacket with me. The breeze swept over my exposed arms of my cut of shirt and goosebumps trailed over my legs, but nevertheless I was still enjoying every moment of this. 

I'd been so lost in my thoughts, looking around and noticing all the different people and the feeling of the wind on my skin, that when Matt spoke to me I snapped my head towards him in alarm. 

"So what are we doing first?" He asked perkily. 

I sighed, "I'd almost forgotten you two were with me. And I'd like to keep it that way." 

A hurt look passed over both their faces, but regardless of how much I hinted at the fact that I liked to keep to myself they kept talking. 

"How about a movie?" Nash asked, staring down at me. I felt like a midget standing next to these two tall guys. 

"No, I've already got this planned out. We're going skateboarding, then down to the boardwalk and then we'll hit one of those twenty one and under clubs somewhere downtown. That's the plan." I explained as the cars on the street came to a stop and we crossed over to the road that led up to the huge skate park. As we neared the park, I knew I'd have to try and flirt with some guy in order to let me borrow his board.

"I know exactly why you wanted to come here." Matt said sarcastically, looking around at all the guys in beanies and Snapbacks who were riding around, occasionally throwing glances in our direction. 

I rolled my eyes, "I'm a teenage girl, what did you expect? Besides, there's not only guys here, look-" I nodded my head towards a group of girls dressed similar to me who were eyeing Matt and Nash. I looked at them both and they just awkwardly looked at each other and then back at me. They didn't looke like the type of girls they'd go after though.

"Do I gotta teach you losers everything?" I joked. 

Throughout the park there were several dips which were called bowls and mounts that you could skate in and out of, along with staircases where you could slide off the railings. There were two big half pipes where guys were skating, cheering each other on and trying out their best moves. Around the whole perimeter of the park there was a simple grey chain link fence and throughout the area the occasionally palm tree was planted. It was way bigger than the park back in VA, where the amount of space to skate was limited, as to here there was a variety of places to skate off of and more people.

"We don't even have boards." Nash said. 

"That's why I'm about to make some new friends," I told him softly as I walked up to a group of people that consisted of five guys and two girls. They were leaning against the chain link fence, playing music and half of them were smoking cigarettes. The tallest of the guys eyed me as I walked over to them. He ran a hand through his dark black hair that complimented his tan skin. He had chiseled features and looked to be about seventeen years old. 

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