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The three sister were playing outside on their own. When they weren't visible for their brothers Sarada whould change to a cat and play with Sakura and Yula. Yula giggled patting Sarada her head "you are so cute as cat big sis". Sakura smiled while rubbing Sarada her chin "Yula is so right you're really cute while you are a cat". "Mew" Sarada miauwed happy as she enjoyed all the attention her sisters whould give her. But suddenly the girls saw something and they quickly ran back home Sarada still being a cat. The sisters ran to their brothers fast knowing they could help maybe. "Girls?" Yami said suprised also cause of the fact Sarada still was a cat. Sarada quickly changed normal and was dizzy some cause she wasnt fully used to changing to a cat yet. She responded to her brother together with her sisters "We were playing outside big brothers but we saw something that scared us". Agust and Yami opened their arm so the girls could hug them. Sakura and Yula ran and hugged Yami tightly while Sarada ran and hugged Agust tightly. "Shh it's alright girls" the brothers said rubbing the backs of the girls who silently cried in their chests.
Kawaiiyugi dead_soul_boy yula_neko_lover1234 Sakurasennen

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