Jenny Ex-Splains It

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This prompt is based on Happy Christmas; a bit of a sequel to the previous one, entitled Happy Accident. In collaboration with tablehollars47.

"It's okay, baby girl. Mommy's gonna make you feel better, I promise. I know you don't feel good and that just breaks my heart" Jenny wept softly as she held 2 month old Lucy close to her chest.

They had been up all night because Lucy had ran a fever of 101. The infant was warm and irritable. But Jenny heeded the pediatrician advice and tried everything to bring the fever down, such as: removing the layers of Lucy's clothing, placing a cool, damp  wash cloth on her forehead and a lukewarm bath. As Lucy continued to wail bloody murdered, Jenny prayed that the others in the house wouldn't hear. But they did.

Jeff groggily entered his sister's room with an irritated but wide awake Jude at his hip. It had been a while since the last time Jude had gotten really sick, so Jeff had nearly forgotten what it was like; especially at Lucy's age. But he understood that this was Jenny's way of coping.

"How's she doing?" Jeff asked, rubbing Jude's back to help him fall asleep over his father's shoulder.

"I think she's getting better. But I don't want to jinx myself yet" Jenny responded exasperatedly as she bounced Lucy gently in her arms.

"I know this isn't a great time for you right now, but could you look after the little man tomorrow morning?" Jeff asked, rubbing the crusts out of his exhausted eyes. He then proceeded to explain that he had to be on set early tomorrow and Kelly had made brunch plans with friends.

"Yeah, sure. I think we'll be fine" Jenny said with a casual shrug. But deep down, she was anxious as all get out. She had never babysat alone for a few hours before. Sure, she had been alone with the kids for an hour or so before Kevin arrived. But he was out of town visiting a friend who had lung cancer.

Jenny breathed a sigh of relief upon realizing that Lucy had finally given up and fallen asleep. She then whispered an inaudible "thank you" as she looked towards the ceiling. She then got to thinking that for the most part, Jude was an independent spirit who could easily entertain himself. Maybe things wouldn't be as bad as her mind was making them out to be.
The following morning, Jeff had left at approximately 6am and it was now 9:30. Lucy had gone down for her first nap of the day at 8am. So it was just Jenny and Jude until she woke up.
Kelly frantically gave Jenny the usual run down of Jude's schedule, such as: lunch, nap time and things to keep him entertained.

"We'll be fine, Kelly. I've been watching Jude for almost a year now, remember?" Jenny said with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright, I'm sorry. It's just... I'm afraid we might be asking too much of you; considering Lucy is ill and what not" Kelly responded nervously.

Jenny was quick to once again remind Kelly that the three of them would be fine as she urged her fretful sister in law out the door.

"Bye bye, mama!" Jude exclaimed across from across the living room as he sat contentedly on the grey and white chevron area rug.

"Goodbye, sweet boy. Be good for Aunt Jenny" Kelly said as she blew Jude a quick kiss and ran out the door to meet her friends.

An hour had passed since Kelly had left. Jenny heard Lucy waking up on the monitor, so she went to go get her up with Jude in tow; who loved to be the first to greet his cousin good morning.

"Good morning, princess. Did you wake up? Do you feel better?" Jenny asked as she leaned into the crib and retrieved Lucy; whose fever seemed to be going down on its own.

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