Keener Senses

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For the first time ever... this story was inspired by Up in the Air; wherein Anna plays a young woman who develops the idea of firing people over the internet.

"Make no mistake, we all die alone" Ryan Bingham had said, as if it was no small thing; something everyone should know.

Having harbored a life altering secret for the past two weeks, the breezy delivery of the older man's statement seemed to be enough to send Natalie Keener into grave panic. For two weeks, she had attempted to maintain a sense of confidence. But as Ryan's statement echoed throughout her head, she thought there was no use in hiding. She had to tell someone. Unfortunately, the one who needed to know- could have honestly, cared less.

The young brunette's lip quivered and her eyes began to water. "Brian left me" she tearfully revealed, soon growing hysterical thereafter.

She then ran into Ryan's arms as if she had been confiding in him for years. This surprised Ryan. His brows furrowed in confusion as he looked at the crown of the young woman's head.
There there, he thought. However, he wasn't entirely sure that it was his place to say anything. Natalie was clearly dealing with something he knew nothing about.

"And that's not all" she continued as she released her grip on her sharply dressed colleague. She then sniffled the remainder of her tears; dismissing them with a sweep of her index finger, fearing her makeup would smudge.

"Oh?" Ryan asked; barely audible as he smoothed the wrinkles out of his suit and looked at the 23 year old with grave concern.

Natalie place a cautious hand around her midsection, feeling as if a group of crickets had just run a 10k marathon across her stomach lining. She then looked back up at Ryan and heaved a deep, anxious breath.

"I didn't even have the chance to tell him... I'm pregnant" Natalie revealed, feeling the tears start to resurface, this time they threatened to come faster than the speed of tap water.

As someone who usually knew what to say, Ryan was at a loss for words for the first time in years. He decided against congratulating her; rightfully assuming that this was not where she expected to be at this point in her life. Neither of them said anything for approximately 2 minutes. The entire lobby completely silent except for the rolling of suitcases passing by.

"I don't even know what I want to do with it. But I doubt I can do this alone" Natalie said, breaking the silence.

She then began to consider what having a baby would mean for her career. She figured it wouldn't change things so drastically. After all, it was just firing people over the internet. She could do it while the baby napped.

"You seem resourceful. I'm sure you'll figure it out someday" Ryan responded, barely looking up from his phone.

As Natalie continued to look at her barely there bump, she could only hope that Ryan was right.


Upon finding a moment to use the restroom, Natalie emerged from the stall and looked left to right; ensuring that no one else was bound to come out or in. She stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself from all angles, her hand still remained plastered on her slightly swollen abdomen. Her tear stained face grew to be varying shades of red.

What started out as a slight whimper eventually grew to be a hysterical cry as the reality of the situation began to set in. She and this little person inside of her were going to be all alone.

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