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learning to breathe

learning to breathe

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Marie clutched her legs around Danny's waist as he ran across the wet concrete,laughing and throwing her arms in the air. It was a bright,sunny day,and Marie and Daniel were happy to feel the kiss of sun on their different shaded skin. Danny set Marie down carefully,grinning down at the tiny girl. They were wearing white sweaters, Marie's said "I'M CUTER THAN YOU" and Danny's said "SHE'S CUTER THAN YOU". It was no surprise everyone thought they were a couple. No one was aware how extremely gay the two best friends were. Danny had been fawning over Andie Hoffman since the ninth grade,and Marie thought Anna Rodriguez was the cutest girl around.

Marie grinned up at the mountain of a boy, and Danny grinned right back down at her,ruffling her curly hair. The two went inside and ate breakfast,cooing to each other over Andrew and Anna. "Hey,Marshmallow?"Asked Danny quietly asked they walked through the halls to their first class of the day."Yeah,Danny?"Marie responded in an easy tone. "Mom wants me to go visit my dad on the Reservation after school. Will you come with?"He asks,snaking an arm across her shoulders and smiling shyly down at her."Of course I will,Danny."She tells him,reaching up and placing a kiss on his cheek just before they entered the class. " No PDA!" Huffed the old teacher while trying to hide a little smile.

When the school day was over,Marie called her mother and told her she was going with Daniel to visit someone. Marie rushed after Danny into his old car, and Daniel pulled out of the parking lot with a worried look on his face. Daniel White wasn't very fond of Milo White,the man who got put in jail when Danny was only a small baby. It took them twenty minutes to get to Milo's house on the reserve,which was on the beach close to a place where there were regular parties.

Marie jumped out of the beat up car,pulling her oxygen tank out with her. She glanced around,light brown eyes landing on a small group of people. Jacob Black was among them. Marie smiled and waved,and the girl next to Jacob pointed over at her. Jacob turned and smiled at his imprints twin,jogging over with his friends to say hello. Marie knew Daniel wanted to stall,this was certainly a way to. "Hey,Jake!"Chirped the sweet girl,a bright smile on her face. Jacob smiled back at the small girl who looked so similar to her sister.

"Hey, Marshmallow."He said in a loving tone,Marie was like a little sister to him."Who are your friends?"Asked Marie looking at the two people behind him for the first real time. The boy looked a little young,even though she had a feeling he was much older than she was,and when Marie turned to the girl,she was mesmerized. She was the most beautiful girl Marie had ever seen,and suddenly Anna Rodriguez was just another sea shell in the vast ocean.

"I-I-I'm Mar-Marie."Said the girl,stuttering over her words in a flush of embarrassment. The girl chuckles softly and it's probably the hottest thing Marie has ever heard."I'm Leah."Says the tall girl who had a sudden flare of affection in her dark eyes. Marie had always been attracted to the name Leah. Jacob stared between the two and started laughing his ass off,clutching on to the boy next to him and holding his stomach."Bella is going to fucking kill you,Leah!"He laughs,and a tear streams down his cheek from the excessive laughter.

"Oh,fuck off,Black."Said the tall,dark girl. Marie looked between the two in confusion until she realized. "Holy fucking Christ."She whispered,and Leah turned to look down at the girl who could barely pass as five foot. Leah smiled sheepishly and a thick blush spread across Marie's pale cheeks. Marie was sure there were thick splotches of red along her neck,and she looked down in embarrassment. Leah had just imprinted on her,and Marie didn't even know her last name.

Daniel is standing next to Marie with a look of utter confusion,and then he finally understands,and he starts to laugh like Jacob did,clutching his stomach. No one heard the front door to Milo's house open,or the man walk up next to them."What are you kids laughing about?"He questioned,and Marie jumped,not expecting him,and was about to fall over when Leah caught her. Marie's oxygen tank wasn't so lucky. It clattered to the ground noisily and started rolling away,ripping the nubbins out of her nose. Marie was too busy staring at Leah to realize that she couldn't breathe.

Daniel sighed,shaking his head at Marie and racing after her oxygen tank. He picked it up and surveyed it for damage."Oh fucking hell."Cursed Daniel,seeing a small hole punctured in the side. Marie was having trouble breathing now."Fuck.Fuck.Fuck. Danny do you have any of my oxygen tanks in your car?"She asked and Danny raised off to his car and dug through his trunk."No,dammit. Get in the car,I'll take you home."Danny said,pushing softly at Marie to get in the car."I'll be back after I drop her off Dad."Danny called out the window as he drove top speed to her house.

On the way their,they were stopped by a cop car."Son,you were speeding."Spoke the officer as he approaches the car."I'm sorry,sir,but Marie has Cystic Fibrosis and her tank got a hole in it and I'm trying to get her home as fast as possible so she is okay."Daniel spoke quickly as Marie struggled to breathe in the passenger seat. She could go a little while without the tank,but she couldn't go too long. And it had been much too long.

The officer gave them an escort home and Daniel quickly helped Marie out of his car and rushed her into the house. Carlisle quickly set the girl up to a tank. Normal CF patients didn't need tanks,unless their disease was severe. Marie's was severe,too severe for a young girl of her age. They had tried to get her on a list for a lung transplant,but they were hard to come by. They had considered biting her many times,but Marie wanted to live a human life while she was in highschool. She wanted to wait,and so they did. They would wait until after highschool and if they couldn't get her a lung transplant, they would change her. They worried so dearly for their little Marie.

I realize this chapter is a little fast paced, but I wanted them to meet quickly, and for Leah to see the effects of Marie's illness. I'm going to try not to kill all of the characters in this story,so hopefully this will have a happy ending.

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