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learning to breathe

learning to breathe

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Living at all seemed like a grand gesture from a divine power to Marie. She had overheard outside of her hospital door once,when she was very young,that it would be a miracle if she made it through the night. Her grandfather had told that to her parents,and they had hurried into her room and held her all night long,dry sobbing tears that would never come. Marie survived. She made it through the night,and made it through many more nights that they thought she possibly couldn't. As she aged, her family realized that the small amount of vampire in her was keeping her alive. The biggest moment of truth was when she was twelve. She had fallen ill and they took her to the hospital with Carlisle. Her lungs and her heart stopped in the night,and a force deep within her had forced her back alive. That force being the small vampire gene hidden deep within. For days after,she did not need her tank to breathe. She was quite alive,but after a while it faded and her problems returned.

But in this moment,standing at Emily and Sam's door with Jacob,clutching her oxygen tank in one hand and her necklace in the other,Marie Cullen thought she might die. She was terribly embarrassed for rushing away the night prior,and she had begged Jacob to take her to Emily and Sam's house so she could apologize, though Jacob thought she was being ridiculous. Marie raised her hand wearily and knocked on the door. "Come in!" Shouted the voice of Emily Uley and Jacob turned the knob,barging in before Marie could.

Marie entered the home,which had been expanded quite a bit since she was young,and went over to the large group of wolves sitting on the couches and floors. They all turned to look at Marie,Seth giving her a bright smile. Marie smiled nervously at them all."I just wanted to apologise for my behavior last night."She says and they all look at her with raised eyebrows and incredelous looks on their faces. "They only pretended to dislike you."Said Sam and Emily's son,Evan, as he walked down the stairs,staring at his phone and yawning loudly."Dad's a dick sometimes."He continues and Sam,standing among them,glares at his son."Oh hush."He says to his adopted son,and Evan laughs,shaking his head.

"Bugs is right. Sam wanted us to treat you like the other vampires,but everyone here thought you were human." Says Seth,jumping up and going over to Marie quickly,giving her a knuckle sandwich and laughing as she playfully struggled to get away."Seth."Came an angry voice from the door. Seth stopped immediately and turned with a sheepish smile on his face. Leah stood there,glaring at her brother. He chuckled nervously and stumbled back to his seat on the couch,and the others started laughing their asses off. Marie giggled softly at Leah's reaction, and she gave a small wave to the girl. Leah smiled kindly at Marie,walking over to her with a sheepish expression of her own. "I'm sorry if my brother bothered you. He can be kind of annoying."Leah told the small Cullen,and the girls hook her head and smiled.

"Seth was just playing."Marie glanced over at Seth and laughed at the look on his face."Poor Seth."Jacob spoke from the kitchen,shaking his head and laughing at Seth reaction. Leah went an sat down and offered the seat next to her to Marie. Marie moved forward into the group of wolves,sitting among them. The group sat and watched TV for awhile,chattering amongst themselves and laughing at the show they watched. After a bit,Jacob yawned,standing up and stretching out his arms."Come on, Marshmallow. It's time I get you home. Don't want Edward to skin me alive."He spoke and Marie groaned shaking her head and unconsciously burying her face in Leah's side. "But I don't want to!"She whined and Leah's face rose with a deep blush.

Marie looked up at Jacob with an annoyed expression and stood up,stretching out her arms as well. She said goodbye to everyone reluctantly and followed Jacob out to his vehicle,dragging her tank behind her in the gravel. She got on his car,yawning softly,and Jacob drove her home. Marie fell asleep in the passenger seat,head tilted slightly to the side and mouth hanging open. Jacob pulled into the Cullen households drive and parked,glancing over at Marie and smiling softly.

She looked so much alike Renesmee that sometimes he thought she was Renesmee,but then Marie acted so very much like her own person that they were not so similar. Jacob got out of the car and walked over to her side,pulling her door open and leaning over her body. He kissed her forehead softly,pulling his dear friend into his arms and holding her bridal style. He took her tank as well,caring the two into the house and up the stairs,into her bed. Bella came up the stairs and undressed her young daughter,pulling sweatpants very carefully onto her too small, pale legs and leaving the sweater she had worn that day on her body. She caressed her daughter's cheek and she,too,kissed Marie's forehead before exiting the room.

jacob batalon as • evan 'bugs' uley

note ✖ emily and sam could not have children so they adopted evan a few years after marie and renesmee were born

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note ✖ emily and sam could not have children so they adopted evan a few years
after marie and renesmee were born.

learning to breathe ✖ twilightWhere stories live. Discover now