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Hello peeps ......I m back with new CHP 

Warning : The CHP published is not edited and .so if there is any mistake than plzz do bare it..

       On finding no movement from the other side she opened her eyes scaredly , got shocked by seeing the person in front of her and just uttered one word"you!! Wh...what are you doing here and why did you pulled me?? Saying so she got out from his grip , and moved as far as she could and sat away from him 

        "Ooo just shut up!! And what type of question is this what are you doing here?? (He Mimicriped) this is a public place so I can do anything, and can go anywhere besides , I saw you standing so I pretty quite guessed that you might be waiting for cab so thought why not to help you, you know gentleman types" he  said having smirk on his face,  looking at her scared face , he was enjoying that ride

        "Just shut up,  I would prefer to walk rather than taking lift from you" so please say you driver to stop this car . She was scared but still she maintained Stern face

"Why so hyper BAE?? I Manik Malhotra is giving you lift,  though you rejected me yesterday but still , here you should be thanking me but see you are shouting on me ,  too bad" said Manik .

          He thought "huh Manik what has happened to you? Here she is shouting on you still you are giving importance to this girl , ooo god what's happening to me get a grip on yourself Manik"  his Chain of  thought were broken when he heard Nandini shouting and banging the car's window seeing her getting hyper his anger aroused , he just pulled her by her shoulder towards himself  tightly causing her to shirk in pain and said "just shut the fuck up you bloody fool , don't you dare to raise you voice once again otherwise you will regret for sure" he pushed her , seeing  his angry face she literally got scared and fear was clearly visible on her face,  she just sat there sticking to the door as much as possible and went in her thoughts seeing her sitting ideal he just went close to her , he was just inches away from her face he quietly in a husky tone spoke near her earlobe "Nandini" hearing the voice she just got startled, and hastily turned her face towards him causing her lips to land on his cheeks her eyes widen and she immediately turned her face towards the other side. 

           Manik don't know what just happened ,he went back to his seat , opened his mobile and started reading his mails , again the scene came in his mind , smile +smirked appeared on his face he thought "what the fuck just happened !! The movement  her lips came in contact with my cheeks ,current  ran through my body fuck man she is driving me crazy when the day will come,  when she will be beneath me  on my bed, fuck thinking that only I'm getting hard god know what will happen when that day will arrive " he diverted his eyes towards Nandini who  was lost in thoughts , he was about to say something to her, but was cut by his driver saying that  they have reached "you go out and stand" Manik said , and looked other side only to find opened door and  running Nandini. 

           He immediately got down and caught hold of her arm and quickly pulled her, and pushed her  behind a tree causing her to Wimper in pain he quickly caged her from both the side by keeping his hands on either side , Nandini starred  him scaredly,  when he  angrily said "how dare you to get out , without my permission " "be..... Be.. Cause I want to "she said "ooo just shut up!! "He shouted angrily causing her to jump on her place she gathering little courage said "y would I shut up this is my house I will do what ever I want youu...her mouth was shut when she felt someone's hot lips crashing on hers, she was shocked not knowing what  to do ,realising it's manik who is kissing her , she started to struggle by hitting him on his hard chest.

         Manik just took her both hands and pinned them above her head and again started kissing her when getting no response from Nandini he broke the kiss and said "Kiss me back otherwise you will regret for sure"and was about to kiss when he heard  "I don't know how to kiss"she said scaredly hearing her reply he just thought "how innocent she is" "don't worry just move you lips in sync with mine" he said  and again crashed his lips , she still was not responding and was trying to free her hands.

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