Old chapters cause I have nothing else to post!!!!

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So hey guys. I've responded to those of you asking for updates and I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been really busy lately and my iPads broken and has been reset, so that doesn't help very much. I'm sorry about that and I'll try to get an update up as soon as I can! But in the mean time you guys can have the old chapters I was talking about some of you guys wanted to see. So enjoy my technical update while I try get the new one up. It shouldn't take too long tho cause I stress wrote half of it a couple of weeks ago, so when I find time I'll finish it!!! Also these are unedited. So ignore the typos.

This one is just one were Alex is trouble when Peggy runs away with him, but when the plot was slightly different.

After so much police stuff. Alex new there was pretty much no chance in him winning this. He was innocent. But... no one believed him. Not even John. When he gave his view, reality was twisted. Now Alex was on the wrong. He hurt John. He hurt John? But why would anyone ever think he did that? It was ridiculous. And he wasn't the only one who new Henry and John never got along. But now everyone is suddenly excepting his 'love'.
He didn't bother to turn when he heard someone walk in. It obviously someone coming to tell him how much trouble he's in blah blah blah blah. "We were discussing your sentence." A man said. "Uhuh." Alex said half listening. "And we going to deport you." "Excuse me?" Alex said not believing what he'd heard. He also fallen off his chair. Alex wished he could wipe that smug little face off Henry. "Were taking you back to Nevis. We've decided it's best." The man repeated. He stood up panicking. "N-Nevis? B-but you can't take me back there! You can't...." he trailed off. He was struggling to breathe. "Well you should of thought about that before you did this then shouldn't off you." Henry chimed. Alex still wanted to punch him in the face. So they told him he could grab some stuff and leave, but he'd have to get someone to help him blah blah blah blah. Alex just wanted to wake up from this nightmare. But It wasn't a dream. So he couldn't wake up.

Peggy heard a knock at the door. She was the only one home. She opened it. It was the police. And Henry. Yay. She noticed Alex was with them. His head was down. The police man shoved him at her. "Help him back some stuff. Bring him back by 2:00." He stated bluntly. "Why? What's going on?" She asked confused. Henry lifted his chin with his finger so he could look him in the eyes. She was shocked to see tears stains were across his face. "Someone's going back where they belong." The smug look on face made Peggy want to throw up. Alex pulled his face away. "You got your instructions." "Yeah yeah." She muttered as the door closed.

Peggy was the worst one to be left with Alex. Because Peggy was the only one truly believe Alex was innocent. And it only took her a few minuets to formulate a plan. She went on her phone and looked up a last minuet flight website. If Alex didn't want to go to Nevis. Then she wasn't helping him get there. "Come on." She said grabbing his hand. "Were packing our bags." "Ok. Wait what is were and our for?" "Were packing our bags and going to England you hear me?" "But Peggy we can't-" she pressed her finger to his. "If you don't want to go we're not going. You can't change my mind." He sighed and packed his bag. He thought it was rediculous. But this was so much better than Nevis.

Alex knew Peggy believed him. She was the only one and he was truly great full. Peggy scribbled something on a piece of paper and then dragged Alex to the airport. Not that he saw how this was gonna work. He was a criminal! Though he was surprised to see Peggy's crazy plan worked.

Angelica was confused to say the least. She got home with Eliza too see the police outside their house. "See right there." An officer said pointing at the screen. "Excuse me sir, what's going on?" Eliza asked. One handed them a note clearly written by their sister. It read;

Dear, whoever gets home first idk
You are all stupid to believe Henry Laurens. And I'm not gonna let out friend sufferer. So. I've taken Alex so he can be safe from you crazy people. And until you come to your senses I'm not taking him back. So congratulation dumb people of America. Goodnight. And it was fun before you messed it up. By you I mean you Henry.
Yours sincerely, Peggy Schuyler

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