Chapter 11

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I take off without looking back, opening the door with my free hand and running. I don't know how long I run for; I just run...

I hear footsteps behind me as I approach a dark forest. I come to the realization that I must have ran  a good mile without realising it.

My feet crunch on the dark brown leaves on the ground beneath me. I hear the crunches of someone elses feet and I spin around. I come face to face with... Caleb....

Who would've guessed that Caleb would be the one to follow me... well now that I think about it... everyone besides me!

"Why did you follow me?"

"Because I didn't want you doing anything stupid. I didn't wanna leave you," he says looking at the ground. "I didn't leave you last time so I won't leave you this time either."

His words make me smile. For the first time in a while I smile at him and as I do I feel tears well up in my eyes. Tears of joy. Tears of happiness. Tears of the realisation that he will never leave me to fend for myself.

He came after me when I left for Emily's house. He could've left me...

He didn't me in Emily's house, to wake up to a bunch of people questioning my latest episode, when I fainted. He could've left me...

And he came after me when I ran out of the Dilaurentis house, when I was too shocked to say any words so instead showed my feelings by my actions by my actions. He could've left me...

He keeps saving me. Over and Over again. When will I ever be able to repay him. I come to terms with the fact that I can't ever make up for what he has done for me.

"Are you OK?" He asks, stepping towards me.

I wipe my tears from my eyes and give him a fake smile. "Sure."

He takes another step towards me and lifts my chin up. He leans in and kisses me on the lips. His tongue slips into my mouth and I feel it roaming. I moan slightly realising how much I had missed this; missed us, missed his lips on mine, missed his comforting presence. Why did I ever push this man away from me? Why did I ever reject his protectiveness? All he wanted to do was keep me safe and away from A but I rejected him.

A tear slips down my face. He pulls his lips away from mine and wipes my tears with his thumb. He smiles at me sadly.

"It's OK Hanna." He whispers trying to be reassuring.

"No Caleb it's not," I reply, "I rejected you when all you wanted to do was protect me. How is that ever OK? Why am I such a bad girlfriend to you!"

He shakes his head. "Don't ever use that word Hanna."

"What word?" I ask

"Girlfriend," he takes his hands in mine and holds them tightly like he doesn't want to let me go. "You're not my girlfriend... you're my soul. You're my everything. You're the brightness that casts out all the darkness in my life. You make my life so beyond worth living. If I didn't have you I don't know what I'd do. You're so beautiful Hanna. I wish you knew how beautiful you're soul is..."

I listen and try and take in his words but all I can think about is how much I love this man. How much I love his caring, protective nature. How much he loves and cares about me and my safety. And how much I care about his.

What did I ever do to deserve this beautiful man?

"I love you with every fibre of my being Hanna," He presses his forehead against mine and takes a deep breath in. He lets it out again and smiles down at me.

"That's such a Caleb Rivers line," I smirk. He grins at me and I grin back. "But I love you too Caleb."

He leans down and kisses me again.

A kiss full of passion.

A kiss full of love.

A kiss that is genuine and more meaningful than life itself...

Was this a shitty chapter?! Idk but please comment opinions pls! More adventure is coming soon but I had to reunite the babies like you just have to! Thanks for reading!
-Hannah and

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