Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

After the head administrator of the University, Victor Patrozi, introduces himself, he gives us a tour of the campus. We start off with activities that aren't for any classes in particular, but at the students' own leisure. We walk past the archers, they're all using their element to shoot the arrow.

The only element that I see is able to use a bow as well as an arrow is water. They have their hands up, but their hands are not touching anything. The water wraps around the quivers and shoot.

I see air Alchemists, and it's probably the easiest for them. They get the bows off the ground using air and shoot with a burst of air. They also can guide their bow with their element, so they are the most accurate.

I see two earth Alchemists, fewer in comparison to the other two elements, shooting arrows. They kick earth up from the ground and force it to propel the arrows forward. They are the least accurate.

I don't have to guess why no fire Alchemists are here; they'd burn the arrows. Plus, I don't see a way that fire could further the arrows and hit the target accurately.

We walk past a few more activities: volleyball, races, even frisbee. All free of fire Alchemists.

Then finally, I see them. Fire Alchemists; all around me. They're flying through the air! They're using fire from their hands and feet to make themselves fly, I've never heard of anything like this!

I watch in amazement at the sight around me. I will learn how to do this. I don't know how long it will take; but I will learn.

Victor sees my excitement and explains.

"A few years ago I was falling helplessly, I would have died from the height. And so in a desperate attempt, I blasted fire under me. It began to make me descend slower. I then increased the power behind it and started flying up. Since then, I've taught the technique to all fire Alchemists that come to this University." Victor explains.

"So we'll be learning how to fly?" Jennifer blurts out.

"Of course!" Victor replies, "Though you won't learn right away. You might have to go through some boring classes before you learn anything like this."

Jennifer seems unfazed. I see in her eyes determination. Determination that I can relate to and very much understand.

I don't notice many other activities that we pass, I'm too distracted by what I saw with the fire Alchemists. I'm still entranced by all of this. I thought I was ready, but but I had no idea how little I knew.

"...and if you have any questions, feel free to come to me." Victor says, before blasting off.

"Wait, what do we do now? I wasn't really listening." I say with honesty.

"We need to go to get our room keys and schedules. Just come with me, he told me where to get them." Tyler tells me.

Apparently the boys and girls dorms are in different buildings, because Jennifer and Kelcey go in a different direction than us.

We finally get to what must be a main office of sorts and receive our room keys, room numbers, and schedules. "Look!" Tyler says, "We're roommates!"

"Oh, you're right." I reply. It's a good thing we're roommates. Because I'm not known for tolerating people; so the fact that I'll be sharing a room with a friend isn't bad information.

The hallways have a classic but modern feel to them, it doesn't quite make sense; but I like it.

We're half way to our room when a gust of wind comes by, knocking Tyler nearly upside down, he is stopped only by the wall.

"FRESHMAN!" I hear from a voice surrounded by laughter.

I can't stand bullies. My arms are stiffly by my sides, with flames an inch from my fists from anger. The person who knocked down Tyler is already turning away, and I start to walk after them, but I hear a voice from behind me.

"I'm alright," an obviously hurt Tyler says, getting up off the floor. He gets my attention just long enough for me to lose the person who knocked him down.

"No you're not, and I'm not letting people push you around like that." I tell him.

"They're gone now, lets just go to our room." Tyler says.

I don't like it, but Tyler is right. We can't do anything now. So we walk through winding halls and two flights of stairs before we finally reach our room.

I can tell that going up the stairs was hard for Tyler, because he was limping from that blast of air; but I don't point it out.

I put my key into the lock and open the door. The room is much nicer, and larger, than I expected. There's a lounge area that is the size of my room at home, and then a large bedroom with a king-sized bed at each side of the room; along with a very comfortable chair by the TV.

Waiting on each bed is our things that we packed and brought to the Ascension Ceremony. I go over to my stuff and open it up; that's when I get an idea.

"Hey, Tyler." I say, turning around.

"Yeah?" he asks.

"I've got something to show you." I say, I wasn't planning on showing this to anyone. But Tyler needs to know about his element; we both need an advantage.

I dig out the book that I borrowed from my dad. "It's a book on the elements, I think we both could learn a lot from it." I say.

"What does it say?" he asks me, I still can hear a bit of strain in his voice from what happened in the hall, but he mostly covers it up.

"I actually read on all of the elements except for water, so I still need to read that."

We both begin to read the book, starting with water, and we find a few defenses he could use. But a more immediate solution is found towards the end.

"Look." I say. I point to a part of the page that describes a healing technique. It says that a water alchemist can heal themselves with water, and better yet, it's labeled as a technique for novice water Alchemists.

"It says I have to will it to heal me." Tyler says. "I don't know how to do that. Plus, I'm fine.", his voice gets shaky on "fine".

"Yeah, and I'm Shakespeare. Just try." I say.

"Fine, but it's not gonna do anything." comes his reply.

"Not with that attitude." I say, before getting a big bowl of water from the kitchen. "Make it come to you." I say.

I don't actually know all that much on the elements, I'm just saying what the book instructs. Tyler concentrates, I see how much he wants to will the water to him. After a few minutes, the water has rippled, but nothing more.

Tyler's face is like a sponge, with disappointment as it's water.

"Well, just put your hand in the bowl. And then make it heal you ." I suggest.

Tyler tries this and only ripples appear again. Then, slowly, a brightness comes from the bowl. Water comes out of the bowl, climbing up his arm, and snakes it's way towards his injuries, continuing to glow. The water then disappears into his skin and he is fully healed.

"Tyler," I say, "you just controlled water. And it worked!"

A huge smile appears on his face. "Yeah," he states in astonishment, "I guess I did.".

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