Waking Up In Confusion

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So I'm gonna try and update chapters at least three times a week, I would love to update every day but I have my job and I'm starting college soon! (I also need to maintain my average of watching RuPaul's Drag Race every night. All T all shade.) It's crazy I got 10 reads in the first 4 hours of publishing this story, and I can't wait until this story progresses into the drama! Anyway, here it is guys!



Bernadette's P.O.V

Back then.

My eyes sleepily drifted open, my eyelids are heavy like bricks are tied onto them. Through blurry hairs of my eyelashes, I could carefully make out a bright white room, and some paler white furniture. I hear a slow beeping noise, and as I slowly come to my senses, I recognised the beeps were coming from a heart monitor. The daunting memories from sitting in the uncomfortable scratchy plastic chair whilst listening to the last raspy breath of my father rush back to me.

I try to shake my head to get the negative thoughts out, and instantly regret it when shoots of pain surge through my neck. I gently try to move my hands and I can feel a needle with plasters holding it into my bloodstream. My eyesight improves slightly, and I see that I am in fact in a hospital room, a private one, with my bed placed in the middle with guards on either side to stop me from slipping out.

A gloomy grey ceiling hangs above me, encasing me in the small room, and as I slowly begin to sit up, strongly trying to ignore the pain rippling through my body, I see the door has been left slightly ajar, leaving the impression that someone has recently left and is going to come back soon.

Moving slowly still, I get into full position and my eyes are presented with myself in a hospital gown from my neck to my waist, and a thin white blanket over the other half of my body. Turning my head gently to the left, on the night stand there are my glasses and a couple of vases filled with bright bursts of flowers alongside some "Get well soon" cards.

I'm lucky to have a private hospital room, as most hospitals have us on wards with curtains separating each section. Medical care is free in England, and although the nurses try to keep it live and friendly, the hospitals can be gloomy places.

I haven't always lived in England, I was born in Dallas, Texas, but all my family are English, and my parents had decided to move there a few years before I was born, and chosen to stay there to have me, to cause my mum less stress. We moved to England when I was 2, back to a small village called Laddlington where my parents had grown up.

I fidgeted with the corner of the blanket and leaned over to grab the cup of water on the table next to me as I processed my past.

"Berny!" A shout full of excitement and shock filled my ears as Charlie bounded through the doorway into my room. "I can't believe you're awake already!" His round face full of small brown freckles came close to mine, as a blush creeped onto his face. "Uh, of course, I knew you were going up wake up, I never lost hope for you." He admitted to himself as he plonked down onto the chair beside my bed.

"Thanks Charlie" I mumbly rasp out, "But tell me what happened?.. All I remember is.. being in the blue classroom.. and the boy kicki-"

"Woah wait slow down Berny. Blue classroom? A boy kicking you? Silly! We were on the swings at the top of Brook View, with your mum, remember? Oh God what have they done to your memory! How are you gonna be the best in class now? Wait I'll test you! What's the capital city of Togo?" Joe interrupted me, ending his outburst on a quizzical tone.

"What? Joe, calm. I'm sure I remembered a classroom before I went unconscious, but then again now that you mention it, I do remember us swinging on the swings before. Its Lome." I answer back, my train of thought not wandering onto African countries, but of the matter that I was absolutely sure I could remember an older boy kicking me, but I definitely remembered me and Charlie on the swings, and me flying off of them.

"Helloooo Earth to Berny?" Charlie asks, as he interrupts my never ending thoughts.

"Oh- sorry Charlie, yeah you're right, we were definitely on the swings, the fall must have made my head a bit fuzzed." Whatever I was remembering about my fall, it certainly was not Charlie or my mum must have seen, so i'll keep this to myself until I decide for sure what happened. I knew that Charlie would not judge me in any way, but I needed to come up with some kind of explanation first.

A noise erupts from the corridors outside, and me and Charlie shoot our heads to the door to see what it is, when I hear the voice of mother and my granddad loudly discussing how good/bad the cappuccino was in the hospital cafeteria. They both enter, and when my mum sees me sat up and awake, her face erupts into the most heart-warming smile, her dry cheeks spreading up to her small blue eyes, as she rushes over to me, curly brown hair flying, and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Oh darling! How wonderful you're awake! Do the nurses know? Charlie! Why didn't you come and tell me? Oh it doesn't matter now, you're awake and safe and that's what does matter! I always knew them swings were not safe! Why did I let you on them?" She spins out statement after question and worry and excitement, all of this too much for her.

"Mum, calm down, I'm okay. Thank you, and I'm feeling a lot better, in fact, it's like it never happened" I tilted my head up at her and smiled to reassure her.

"Well I'm very glad to hear that, I couldn't lose another person I love." The tint of agony is very easy to spot at the end of her sentence, and the atmosphere in the room goes quiet as we all know she is talking about my father. I think to myself, I should have never have been so foolish, what would my mother do without me? She can't go through the process of mourning a close one again.

"Well, I'm just glad I have someone to tease again!" My granddad steps in to make the tone more cheery, and everyone gladly accepts it.

Granddad and mum get the two other chairs from the corner of the room, and pull them up around my bed to create a horseshoe around me, whilst chatting away politely to one another with Charlie.

I begin to think to myself, what really happened when I fell. I mean, I'm sure that I was in a classroom when I was kicked unconscious, but I'm sure I was on the swings with Charlie. Maybe I dreamt up the classroom scenario when I was knocked out. But I've never seen that classroom, or boy before, and I'm sure my head can't make up things like that, what with the globe in the corner, and every face of the children surrounding me.

Thinking further, I remember myself questioning whether I was in someone else's body, as I couldn't move or talk for myself. Oh God, this was all getting too weird for me to think about right now. I gently got more comfortable in the bed, and I heard murmurs of them saying I was probably tired and needed to rest. I did need to rest. I would think about this later.


So I was going to make this chapter have Joe's and Bernadette's views of waking up in hospital, but this began to come really long, and I could see more reads whilst I was writing, so I decided to put this chapter out for y'all. I will update tomorrow night with Joe's awakening :D


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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