I let this happen

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I'm sorry in advanced. I didn't know any of this would happen. I'm truly sorry. A few months ago my wife died. She was a caring loving person. Kind too, anyone who met her would be sorry for me. I found a way to... bring her back. I'm not saying how because I don't want any more damage. I didn't see anything happen to her, and I was about to rebury her, then her eyes opened. I left it in my house and noticed it wasn't like my wife and was rude. I decided to lock her in my basement. I'm not proud of that, but I thought it was the only thing to do at the time. She, I mean It, was whining and some burglars broke into my house. Fools. They went to the basement, and she ate one of them, and the other idiot was whimpering in the corner of the room. All I heard was the man screaming that night, but other than that it was silent. But I still felt bad about the poor man. It made it easy to sleep, and the next few days It was silent. After this she made the loudest whimper I've ever heard... and I knew what I had to do it was gruesome, cruel, and unnecessary. I had to kidnap people. Simple and illegal. But I had to. I took a stroll at midnight and shoved someone into my small bag, and of course I knocked him out. I put him in the basement and It was happy for another meal. I kept repeating this act. One day I had enough as I skipped her feeding night for weeks until I turned myself in. I was too sinful so I went to the electric chair. I am sorry for whoever found the magic. I hope you confess too and maybe you will be resurrected as well as me now feast until they confess too.

327 words!(-: also dedicated to fury_freak

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