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Ricardo's P.O.V

We got to the school set. We were sleeping in "Mr. Finn's" room. It looks small on camera, but to us its huge. While Jade and Breanna were gone, which I don't know what they were doing but Lance and I decided to change in the classroom. Aidan didn't want to, neither did Tony, so they both went into the Boy's Bathroom. I guess Jade and Breanna decided it was a good time to come in while Lance and I didn't have our shirts on. They walk in talking to eachother and get a glance of us. I'm pretty sure Breanna said," ok.. I officially need to bleach my eyes out." She ran out the door. Jade just stood there, ignored us, tried to blindfold herself with her hand, and got her stuff.  But dang, she looked adorable. She got her sleeping bag set up and I sneaked up behind her, still with no shirt. Lance put on a shirt for Breanna's sake. 

"Please tell me you have an undershirt on." She said. I smirked. I'm so evil ;) 

"Yes, you can open your eyes now." I could hear Lance faintly laugh while I said this.

She opened her eyes and smacked my arm. "Ricardo! You said you had an undershirt on!" She yelled. 

"Sorry, "Summer". I thought you were enjoying the view." I smirked. 

"You wish RicoWhiny" she said while looking away and blushing. 

Lance went out of the room to find Breanna. I soooo ship it. #Breance for life. 

"Incoming  FaceTime call from Jada❤️" my phone said in a robot-y tone. I quickly looked at Jade and then I put on a shirt. I stepped out of the room, so i could take this call. "Hey babe." Jada said. 

"Hey Jada bear." Yes. I called her that. Don't judge. 

"Meet you at the lock in babe." And with that she hung up. Next thing you know, she has a sleeping bag next to me taking selfies with me too. The whole cast was looking at my strangely, of course because it was supposed to be a CAST ONLY night but whatever. 

Jade's P.O.V

WHAT IS JADA DOING HERE?! She's not apart of the cast!! I feel a ting of jealousy rush through me, I start to get a rash on my forearm. Hey, this is like when I see Kale and Freddy together. But for real. I overheard Jada whispering to Rico," babe I'm going to leave, I love you but like I can't take this stench." She wrinkled up her nose, kissed him on the lips for 4 seconds and she walked out. THERE WAS NO STENCH?! 

"Hey guys, let's play spin the bottle." Tomika suggested. This is my chance! I could kiss Ricardo! Wait, am I being a bad person for liking him? Nah. We get to our spots and looks like I go first. I spin it and it lands on....

Who does it land on? Find out in the next chapter! 



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