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Once we had everything settled at the hospital we decided that it was soon getting late and we should head back to the bus. I carried the young weeping child on my hip to the bus and she nuzzled herself into the crook of my neck, I could hear the girls 'awe' in the background but I didn't care, I just cared that Phoebe was safe.

Once we got into the tour bus we realised that there were no clothes for Phoebe so I put on a hoodie and some sunglasses and got into a more hidden look so I could go and buy some clothes for the young girl.

I took my purse and bought her enough clothes to last at least a week before we could go back to her house and get everything she would need. A couple sets of underwear and pyjamas, 7 outfits, some shoes and a coat. I also saw a cut teddy/blanket that I thought I should buy her to cheer her up on the bus.

Before I went back to the tour bus I popped into the Tesco next door and bought some drinks, non alcoholic, some treats and crisps, a DVD, and some sandwiches for our dinner.

When I arrived back I saw the girls talking to Phoebe "so babe, do you like Disney?" Typical jade.
"Disney is my favourite!" I hear the young child reply.
I walked into the lounge room and decided to answer the next question.
"So, because I just bought it. Why don't we go and get changed into our pyjamas, I'll set up some treats and then we can watch moana together?" I asked
"Jesy, you're amazing and I love you." Jade patted my shoulder before running out the room.

I got changed into a more comfortable outfit and got Phoebe into one of her new sets of pyjamas. "Jesy, I wish I could have both my mummy's back, then I'd be happy." My heart sunk because she wanted me and I wanted her but, it was just too soon.

The girls are taking a while, I'm guessing they're in the shower. Phoebe and I sat together talking about things you talk to a seven year old about. I learnt her best friend is called Paris, her favourite school subject is maths and she loves dressing up her build a bears. I also learned that she is a very polite child, I'm glad that she was brought up well.

"AND WE'VE ARRIVED!" I heard a energetic Leigh Anne shout. All of a sudden, shoutout to my ex started playing on full volume and the girls came into the living room dancing. I brought out my phone to make a video to share to my Instagram.

After the song had finished I heard Phoebe let out a little chuckle and the girls fell to the floor in fits of laughter. I'm thinking that one day, we're all going to make an amazing family.

"Right then, lets get watching. There's always enough time for a Disney film!"
Jade enthusiastically shouts. And with that we turn on the movie.

Throughout the movie I could see phoebes eyes slipping away but decided to ignore it as she appeared to be comfortable indulging herself into my side. I heard a soft snore come from her mouth and quietly laughed to myself.

Once the movie was over, I scooped her up into my arms and carefully carried her to my bed because I shotgunned the double bed. Once I laid her down she grabbed ahold of the blanket and dozed back off so I went back to the lounging area to get my drink.

When I walked into the room the girls all ran up to me and engulfed me into a hug, followed by their speech. I mean, I think they may have slightly been under the influence of alcohol, but that's my girls for you.

"Jesy we know that this must be really hard for you and it will be for the next couple of days. But we want you to know that we are always here, you can laugh with us, cry with us, smile with us, and, um, frown with us! We love you Jesy, and even though you're the oldest and you think you need to look after us, you need looking after too sometimes. And after what you told us the other day, you need all the loving you can get." Perrie slurred her words which was rather funny. And all of a sudden, they all kissed my forehead. I kissed them back.
"I love you girls so much it's unbelievable. You are my three rocks and I don't know what I'd do without you, I'm so grateful we were put together my little muffins." And with that I walked off to my bedroom, I hoped the girls wouldn't be too loud and wake the little one up, but anyway, at least the little one is here and she wasn't the one injured in the crash with her mum.

7 years ago ~ Jesy Nelson Where stories live. Discover now