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Hey my peeps. This is a totally different type of book than what I am used to writing so please don't judge. To those of you who have read my other books, I am sorry to say that there is a high possibility that I will not continue with them though I will finish this one. I feel good about this story  but I am always open to suggestions on how to make this story more entertaining for you readers. 

~Lots of Love, SLC 



            Today was warm and a little muggy, the perfect temperature to play outside in. That's exactly what I did to. As of right now, I'm hiding in some shrubs that are in the woods close to my house. I hear a twig snap and I hold my breath, hoping that I would not be heard. Stepping out into a clearing is a man that I have admired since birth, my father. He had fiery red hair, beautiful porcelain skin, and gentle blue eyes. He was the one I was hiding from. Today was his only day off at work and I wanted to make the most of it, so we are playing hide and seek. He stopped and listened as he heard me exhaling from holding in my breath for too long. I giggled because he still didn't know where I was. "I know your around here somewhere my little mouse." He says in a playful tone.

I silently praised myself for choosing to wear a green dress that matched with the leaves of the shrub. That was until it started to get cold. Ice cold. I took a breath and you could see the fog slipping from between my lips. The next thing I know, the leaves parted and I could see my dad more clearly. "I told you I would find you," he said as the air started to warm back up. I laughed as he poked my nose. "That's not fair, you used your water power." He laughed his deep laugh and smiled. You never said I couldn't." He picked me up and carried back to the house while I pouted. "Well it my birthday so I win." He shook his head and smiled. "Fine little mouse, you win." I puffed up my face and gave him my meanest look. "I am not little, I'm six, I'm practically a big girl now."

"Ah that's right, but until you get your powers your still my little mouse." I just hugged him because even though I said I was not little, I still liked being called his little mouse. I loved my dad and his water powers, even though you would think that since he has red hair he would have fire powers but his aura shined blue when he got his powers so that's why its water. My mom was a blond and she has the power of light. When she was born her hair was the color of wood, though when you get your powers, some stuff will change. For my dad, it was his eyes. I have my dad's blue eyes and my mom's blond hair and I'm going to be sad when either of them changes. We finally get back to the house where momma had just place the cake on the table. "Happy birthday Jamie!" my mom shouted with her usual happy tone.

"Thank you, momma." I said as I stared in awe at the candles. Just as I was about to blow them out my dad's phone rings. "Yes, this is Mr. Smith." my dad started in his business tone. "Well, if it can't be helped, we're on our way." He hangs up the phone and kisses my head and tells mom that they both must go fix some staff and business-related issues at work. My dad is the president councilman of America and my mom is the vice-president. The counsel is a group of people who fixes everybody's problems in the elemental world (the people in this world control the elements) and different council members are assigned to distinct parts of the world. They are very important so I'm not sad when they must go sometimes. Though I do wish that they would be home more often. My mom looks at me and smiles. "You know the rules. Stay with Carol and behave."

I nod and wave as they leave. "Yes momma. Ilove you guys." They wave back as they head out the door. "We love you to" theysay in unison as they get into their limo and drive off to some unknowndestination in the world. Carol, my nanny, slices a piece of cake and gives itto me, along with some milk to wash it down with. She helps me clean up andsends me to bed after kissing my forehead. She has become a second mom to me soI don't mind when she does this. If anything, it helps me to not miss myparents so much. She sings me a lullaby and my eyes start to drift shut. If Ihad already known that my parents were not going to come back, that lullabywould be the thing of my nightmares.    

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