1- The Phone Call

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Miyuki tiredly plopped herself down onto her couch, brushing her onyx black hair away from her case. She had just finished apprehending a criminal that has murdered and buried his wife because of infidelity. The man was sentenced to prison for ten years and was obliged to take daily psychiatric sessions to ensure his mental health. It wasn't the first time that Miyuki dealt with criminals like this. After all, even with the good people in the world there was always some type of evil lingering in everyone. If she had to be honest, being a detective scared her senseless. Though, her parents were always loved and treasured her intelligence and wanted her to become a detective, just like her older sister, Naomi. Miyuki smiled at the thought of her sister. She was always so ambitious, beautiful and intelligent. Miyuki frowned when she remembered hearing of Raye's death.
Naomi was looking forward to getting married to him in the spring and now that he died by a heart attack she doesn't know what to do. I convinced her, that she should just come back to the United States and live with me for the time being, but instead she said she wanted to join the task force.

"Naomi you can't! That's way too dangerous! Kira could kill you and—"

Naomi's cool voice interrupted Miyuki frantic one.

"Miyuki,you can't change my mind, I've already decided to join the task force. I'll do whatever it takes,"

"I-I know but Naomi, I don't want you to die like Raye did," Miyuki said, her voice slightly shaking. She heard a sigh at the end of the line.

"I love you Miyuki and I don't want you to forget that, but I need to this,"

Miyuki pouted. Once Naomi's mind was set on something, there was no going back. It seemed like his death really impacted her. When she started dating Raye, she became more quiet and soft-spoken, not that ambitious, strong-willed woman she has grown up with. He made her quit being an agent which, in Miyuki opinion, was well-suited for her and she even had to sell her bike. She liked Raye, but she didn't like how much Raye was changing Naomi. The only reason she was in America was to be there for their wedding, but now that he's gone there is no point in staying here.

"I understand, just please be careful. You can't trust anyone these days," I warned nervously. Unlike Naomi, Miyuki was always quiet and soft-spoken.

"I really do love you Miyuki, it seems like you are someone I can really trust,"Naomi said as Miyuki blushed a deep red.

"I love you to Naomi-nee!"Miyuki replied almost instantly. She heard a chuckle at the end of the line and a blush of embarrassment covered her face. Naomi was aware of Miyuki complete and utter admiration and she always felt warm and flattered at the prospect. Miyuki wasn't one to hide her admiration and some of Naomi's close friends wondered if Miyuki had some sort of sister complex.

"Besides, there is someone else I can trust too, someone that is is in the task force," Naomi said, sounding as if she was in deep thought. Miyuki pursed her lips. The only time she really heard that tone in her voice was when Naomi was working in the Los Angeles BB murder cases. Miyuki was much younger at the the time and was still in college so she didn't get to talk much to her when on the case due to both of them being busy.

" Well goodbye Naomi-nee, try to get some sleep alright? You sound a bit tired," Miyuki said, as she added the last part shyly. 

"Will do, bye," Naomi said, and those were her final words before she hung up.

Miyuki frowned at the memory and sighed, going up to the hotel kitchen to pour herself a glass of water. Miyuki had no doubt that if Naomi was on the task force she would be a huge asset, but she still couldn't help but feel a pit of worry rise up in her stomach. Miyuki decided to dismiss the thought and went back to work the living room to turn on the TV. She surfed through the channels and stopped at the news channel.

"Good evening, I am John Kender bringing you today's news, James G. Olivver, a man convicted of third degree murder and multiple charges of sexual assault, has been seen committing suicide as he repeatedly banged his head onto the steel bars, causing damage to the brain and resulted in death, prior to his arrest..."

As the news reporter continued reporting other deaths,Miyuki's mind went deep into thought. How could he just kill himself? That was the man that she had arrested not too long ago and suddenly he just killed himself? Of course, it wasn't rare that criminals take their own lives in regret or just an escape from facing federal punishment—but this just seemed to make no sense. When Miyuki had no other choice put to nervously pull her gun on him,  he begged for his life incessantly, even when arriving to the station. It just felt odd. Very odd. As if someone was controlling him. It had to be none other than Kira. With the information that she had, Kira needs a name and face to kill, but what if they could do more. What if they can control their time, place and cause of death as well? Her mind was racing. No. Kira could only kill by heart attacks! There's no evidence that he could kill any other way, but for some reason Miyuki had felt that there may be a possibility of that. Maybe it could be so that those deaths wouldn't be linked to Kira. Either way she was not working on the case. She was afraid to admit it, but the thought of finding someone that cane kill, without being there chilled her bones. Taking a short sip of the cool water, Miyuki walked to her room to take a quick nap until she heard her cellphone vibrating in her back pocket. Miyuki ignored it, as she was to exhausted to answer the call. However, when her head hit the cotton pillow the phone vibrated again. Sighing, she answered the phone and put it up to her ear. The next few words that she heard stopped her heart and for a second she thought that Kira had gotten to her. Sobs were heard at the end of the line and it seemed as if she was stabbed with the intensity of a thousand daggers.

Naomi is dead.

"We filed a missing report case, but she hasn't been in her apartment for months! And then they told us that she probably...," Mother's cries were blaring in my ears as she couldn't bear to end her sentence.

"W-Wait What do you mean missing? Raye just died she—she would never just disappear!"

All of this didn't make sense. When Raye died Naomi became the saddest that she ever was, but she was a strong woman she would never—no. No. Naomi would never commit suicide. Not even if Raye died. She remembered her voice when Raye died and it was filled with determination and strength not despair and sadness. Or sadness so great that she would take her own life away. Frantically I skimmed through the contacts and clicked on her phone number. I tapped my foot on the wooden floor yearning for her to pick it up. When I heard her voice tears prickled up in the edges of my eyes and a sob threatened to escape my mouth.

'Hello this is Naomi Misora, I am not here at the moment but please leave a message at the tone'

When I heard the little ding, the desperate need to cry grew louder.

"N-Naomi-nee, i-it's Miyuki, p-please, please call me back. W-We miss you Naomi-nee," The sob that was in my throat escaped my mouth and drops of tears streamed down my face. "I miss you"

Though in that moment, I knew that I had just lost my sister. My beautiful, determined, strong sister. Losing grasp of the phone, it slipped from my hand and landed on the floor. Grief engulfed me like a virus and my knees turned to gelatin, as I lost my balance and hit the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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