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Mollies POV

Lololooololoo when im bored i like to dress up as a banana and roll around in mud and vaseline with my best friends the bananas in pajamas, they showed me this way of life many years ago when Jesus came down from heaven and was twerking to some classy church hyme when suddenly some deciple went on a rage attack and decide to kill people with butterflies and that is the story of how jesus died what no wrong story oops.... Right, it was a long day and i was chillin with the tweenies and blues clues in my backyard and we where all playing a game of hide and seek, i was hiding behind a massive dancing toaster that was running round screaming neeh naaaw neeh naaaw i pop up because im swaggy and i like to dance and im normal and i look like a gorrilla because sass. sometimes the magic dancing toaster pretends to be a frog and runs around screaming mooo im a frog because it is very sassy and beautiful. This toaster had the extraordinary name of Dan Lewis. I fell in love with the toaster because iv always had a thing for boys who pretend to be frogs and toaster marriage was now legal on mars so i thought lets move to mars so we moved to mars and our heads exploded because we forgot to wear oxygen masks but we didnt care because we're sassy, we can live without our heads we didnt have brains anyway trolololSo we skipped happily with our lungs hanging out of our buttholes making up parodies to songs, one of our parodies was a parody to bananas in pajamas which was 'bananas in the nude are running up the stairs' because why not they like to strip thats why the joined the local gay bar does anyone have a problem? You support animal rights therefore you are an onion ring and i like onion rings have a sticker acctually no i hate onion rings im confiscating your sticker, come back when your a cow pat then you can have a sticker

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