The Glass Menagerie- After Tom Left

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Hi there! I had to write a short story of what happened to Tom after he left his family and I decided to just post it on here as well, enjoy :)

After I left St. Louis, I just roamed from state to state until I stumbled into Florida. The weather was great and the people were even better. Strolling through the quiet suburban neighborhoods, I saw countless families playing in their front yards. Mothers playing with their daughters and fathers playing catch with their sons. I hastily walk forward and avert my eyes, not want to disturb their happy moments. I walk past and think about the adventures I’m about to have. I am going to be an official member of the Union of Merchant Seamen. Helping load and unload all kinds of precious cargo.

Two years has passed since I had left my mother and sister in the dark. I have since been on many cargo ships and have been almost everywhere. My journeys entailed many adventures some I do not wish to speak of, as they are rather embarrassing. Right after I left I joined the Union of Merchant Seamen as I had planned. The journey has been rough, but fun. My crew mates and I get along well. We had to in order to get the ship to the destination on time, it had to be in tip top shape. The captain is a right frightful man, he yells with the force of a thousand hurricanes. He was a mean old man with a salt and pepper beard that went to his chest, the men on board both feared and respected him.

We traveled to many places, some I couldn’t even pronounce the names of. I became acquaintances with most of the men on the ship. With constant changing surroundings I figured it would be best if I didn’t become too attached to the men. First we stayed in Florida for a few days so the men could get situated on board. Since I didn't have much with me I didn't take very long settling in. After I finished I decided to take one last look around the town. The signs in town said I was staying in Key West, Florida. It was a gorgeous town with palm trees swaying in the breeze. If could have stayed there for the rest of my life I probably would have. It was a calming city were all the people you met always said Hi. Maybe I’ll retire there someday when I'm old and gray.  Once all the men were set and the captain double checked everything was ready, we set off onto the majestic sea.

The first place the ship docked was on the outskirts of Isla Mujeres, which translates to The Island of Women. Once we finished unloading the goods the sun had already set but the captain let us go for the rest of the day. We weren't set to leave for another day. The men were excited to see if the city really lived up to its name but I on the other hand went up and down the local streets browsing the vendors goods. They had all kinds of things to buy from authentic foods to handmade knick knacks. I keep on walking and turn into a side street, clothes lines hang over head with pretty patterned clothes. They were more colorful than anything that I see hanging on the lines back home.  

I looked ahead as  the side street came to an end. There standing tall in front of me was some kind of large building. I hadn’t seen anything like it before, as I drew closer I could hear loud cheering coming from inside. Of course I wanted to know what they were cheering about. Throwing all caution to the wind I step through a red doorway and walked down a dirt path, I entered and was greeted with a sight I've never seen. I step into what looks like an arena with filled with people all around. On the opposite end of the arena there was a bull just standing and staring right at me. I back up against the wall and his eyes follow me like a predator stalks his prey. From what I’ve seen in the movies, bulls charge at a red flag while the Matador taunts the beast. As you can assume I was terrified out of my mind. I look to my left and see the Matador try to get the bulls attention away from me but it isn't working. When I hear the click of doors locking, the arena was shut and I was trapped. I looked around for any sign or chance of escape, then I spotted a ladder propped up against the red wooden wall. I decided instantly to run to it as soon as possible in the hopes that I'll be able to get away fast enough, and not get skewered on the way. At this point the bull is kicking up its hooves and lowering its head. It starts for me and I jump into action, sprinting to the ladder,  I reach safety in time and heave out a mighty breath. The crowd is wild with adrenaline, my own heart beating a mile a minute. Slowly standing I try to find the exit through the large cheering crowd. Soon I am able to locate it and I make my way towards it. Thats enough excitement for one night I thought to myself and head back to the ship where I know a nice warm cot is waiting for me.

The next day started bright and early. Most of the men had already left for the day, leaving the older guys and myself behind. After I dress for the day I decide to take a look at the other side of town. I stopped to ask one of the many locals what would be a good way to spend the day and they suggested I visit the North Beach, one of the best in the Caribbean. When I finally arrived I could see why it was one of the best. The soft sand glistened as it reflected the sun's ray. The sea sparkled as it ebbed up against the shore, leaving the rocks and sea-shells shimmering. Crystal-clear water stretched far into the horizon getting darker and deeper, however maintaining serenity. As I breathed in fresh air, the smell of salty sea tingled my nose. The warm and refreshing breeze gently eased up against my skin and glided through my hair. The rustling of the swaying palm tree leaves, birds tweeting as they soared high above, and the delicate splashes of the sea were soothing. If only I had someone to share this with, like my sister Laura. I just know she would have loved this sight.

No longer feeling in the mood to stay at the beach I head back to the ship to grab some lunch. But the strangest thing was happening as I was walking back. People were stopping to look at me and whispering to each other. I don't catch anything they're saying until a little old lady comes up to me and whispers “El Diablo”. Not knowing what to say to that I keep on walking until I see some of my crew members. As soon as I come into view they all start laughing. I finally ask what's so funny and they tell me all about some man who accidentally walked into the middle of a bull fight. I didn't want to tell the men that the man they were talking about happened to be me.

“But that doesn't explain why they were calling me El Diablo” I say to the men.

“Who knows what they means its just funny” Says Paul, one of the older men on board.

I had decided to stay on board for the rest of the day, just walking around and sometimes I would stop to play cards with some crew mates that would not laugh at me.  I thought about the old woman, and wondered what the name “El Diablo” had meant. It’s sort of funny and extremely ironic now that I think about it, I had told my mother, when I was yelling at her, that in my gang I was known as El Diablo. But that was just a joke! I never thought it would be true. As I thought about it more, the more it irritated me. I was very thankful when the boats horn blew and the sound of the captain's voice came over the speakers yelling and sailor swearing at us to get moving.

Months pass since I had joined the crew, I was happy they had gotten sick of calling me El Diablo. Sleeping on a ship turned out to be much more difficult than I imagined. Some nights the ship violently rocked back and forth, it would cause me to call out of my cot. And the others that would have woken up to my body hitting the floor would laugh. While other nights on the ship it would feel like we’re floating on a cloud in the calmest of winds, it would have been more relaxing if the snores of my mates didn’t echo through the whole room.  Add in the fact that I’ve been  having horrible nightmares about Laura, where she kept chasing after me but was never able to catch up. I thought about writing her, but then I lose my courage and start to write poetry, hoping that would get my mind of Laura and the predicament I left her in . I just hate that I had to leave her with our overbearing mother. I dont think I’ll ever get over that guilt.

Another adventure was the time we went to Barbados. We had a few more days to relax while we were there and it was the beautiful. With crystal blue waters and smooth sandy beaches. You could see to the bottom of the cove the water was so clear! One of the days we stayed some of the men decided to go fish and make our own dinner. I of course was all for the idea to try  something different. We spent hours fishing and we ended up with over two buckets of fish. I was set the task of cleaning and gutting the fish. I also chopped off their heads just for the heck of it. Thats how I acquired the nickname Killer Wingfield. The men often joke around and call me the assassin Killer Wingfield. And once again I’m brought back to the time where I yell at my mother about all those crazy stories I made up about myself, and I just quietly laugh to myself. If only she could see me now.

Oh but if only any of this were true.  All I’ve done with my life was leave the only people who have ever loved me in search for some sort of adventure. And here I am on some old cargo ship with a bunch of men I barely talk to. What keeps me sane, is all the stories I can  make up in my head to pass the time along. Someday I’ll be able to have those grand adventures but for now must deal with the hand I’ve been dealt.

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