17⌱ Realization

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"Bring her in," said the voice inside the locked room in front of me. The brunette Hydra agent got up opening the door, I only gave her a blank stare when walking in the doors closed behind me. "Agent Buchanan," he greeted flatly sitting back down at his desk as I stood with my hands behind my back.

"How may I help you Sir?" Mentally I rolled my eyes at how I had to inform Strucker.

"You're being moved," that's the fifth this month. "Your new location will be in Peru, Vermont."

"Yes Sir, when will I departe?"

"Tomorrow, 06:00 in the morning. Be an hour ready."

"Yes Sir."

"You are dismissed," with that I nodded my head walking out of the door and through the halls going back to my room.

When the door was locked I slid down the door taking a deep breath in and out. It's the final week of March and I'm being moved to another Hydra base, like earlier I've been moved five times already.

I wanted nothing more than to go back into Golden Boy's arms and snuggle forever, he was my haunt furnace that kept me warmth when my tail couldn't provide it.

A knock sounded. Sighing I sit up going back to blank state before opening the door. My fake brown eyes widen when Maria Hill stands there in front of me, her hair let down with some eye contacts and makeup along with her wearing the Hydra outfit.

"Are out going to let me in or not?" She whispered.

Moving to the side she rushed inside. Closing and locking the door I walk over to my phone hacking into the Hydra feed to make sure that the security guards are seeing a loop of me sleeping. Once that was done I turned over to Hill who sat at the edge of the bed.

"What are you doing here!" I whispered hissed. "Any of these Hydra agents could easily get past that disguise of yours and figure your true identity."

"It's Fury," she breathed out which caught my attention.

"What happened?"

"He's not himself," she said as I sat beside her on the bed. "Every since he got bald from that second meeting with Coulson he's been on edge and more snappy. I thought he might have almost been compromised but when the other agents reported back that nothing bad happened I got suspicious."

"What did you find?" I asked.

"Not much. I managed to find every single camera footage that had him from the minute if leaving the Helicarrier to coming back. At some point there was static, I tried everything I could but nothing worked."

"Then the real Fury is compromised." Hill nodded her head then turned her head to look at me. "Then why come to me? Why not tell the other Avengers? Tony and Bruce and Nat and Bucky could hack very easily whilst Loki could use his limited magic to try and find Fury. Why come here?"

"I can't trust anyone," she whispered leaning closer. "To me they all seem to act more different, I'm pretty much paranoid. You're the only one who isn't different, I can trust you can't I?"

"Yes you can," I said lowly as the memory started to fade. "Just give me everything you found. I can do the rest."

"The only thing I know is that it's a Hydra agent posing as him and that Hydra has him somewhere. What-what I need from you is to figure out who's the highest rank in all of Hydra, try to trace back to who might be under that eye patch." Somehow she managed to get a smirk on my face.

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